Thursday, August 30, 2012


Aloha Room 28 'Ohana:
     To begin with, I know you're all busy working on your first book report, right? Don't forget, it's due on Tuesday, September 4.   I am looking forward to your character puppet and your written report on your realistic fiction book!  If you are still in need of any art supplies (yarn, construction paper, ribbon, pipe-cleaners, ribbon, embelishments, paper bag, etc...) for your puppet, please remember to see me at recess or after school.  You have a long weekend to put the finishing touches on your puppet and report.  Don't forget to use your checklist on the BACK of your criteria sheet. 
     Secondly, keep selling those delicious Larry's Bakery items!  You will have until Sept. 7 to sell-sell-sell!  Thank you for supporting our first school fund-raising event!  Remember, turn in your money and any unsold tickets on or before Sept. 7. 
     Next, don't forget that parent-teacher conference forms are due back to me on or by Sept. 4Don't forget to list down any younger or older sibling that also attends Alvah Scott. 
     Finally, your individual school pictures have arrived! I will be sending them home with you on Thursday, Aug. 30.  The class picture will be coming soon. 
                                                                           Mahalo for your support and attention,
                                                                           Mrs. Wong

Bike Education Week Coming Soon!

Students are ready with their bike, helmet and safety vest.  

"We Did It!"  We passed Bike Education! 
Safety First!  All Bike Ed. participants will go thru a series of bicycle safety drills and activities before heading out to ride on our public streets. 
Aloha Room 28 'Ohana!
As you know, Bike Education starts on Monday, Sept. 10th.  Please remind your parents to sign and RETURN the bottom portion of the permission slip before Sept. 7.  You will not be able to participate without permission from a parent/guardian.  I encourage ALL of you to participate in this wonderful program!  In the past 3 years, I've had non-riders become "riders" by the end of the week long program!  It's so exciting to see students feel so proud of themselves after learning how to ride a two-wheeler!  Best of all, it's so much FUN!  We will learn together and we will be "safer" bike-riders as a result of the program.  As stated on the form, you may bring your helmet to wear, but helmets and bike vests will be provided.  Helmets and Bike Ed. shirts will also be available, for purchase, if desired.  Looking forward to getting EVERYONE to participate!  
                                                                                  Much Aloha,
                                                                                  Mrs. Wong

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Meet Our Class Representatives

Every school year each class in the upper grades need to nominate and vote on 2 Student Council class Representatives.  This year we had many students in room 28 wanting to be a representative.  After a secret ballot vote, the results were in.  Our two representatives were Deighton and Kaylie.  Congratulations!  Deighton and Kaylie are responsible for attending all Student Council meetings (Once a month).  They will represent room 28 students during each meeting.   Both will take minutes of each meeting and report the minutes back to us.  Thank you, Deighton and Kaylie for being our "voices" at the student council this school year! 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Welcome Room 28 (S.Y. 2012--2013) Bloggers!

Aloha Students and Parents of Rm. 28,
     Welcome to our Classroom Blog!  I hope you will visit this blog from time to time and comment on the questions I post or even reflect on the many things we will be doing in school and class.  Thanks again for participating and for turning in your permission slip on time.  I'm still waiting on a few more students, but we can get started while we wait.  =)
      I can't believe we are 3 weeks into the new school year.  Can you?  In such a short time, we have been learning so much! We've had an assembly, a library visit and we're learning a lot in our core subjects such as Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies and Health.  We are also integrating our learning with Music, Art and P.E.  We are expecting a fire drill soon and we have our school's annual Welcome Assembly this Wednesday, August 22.  
     This year, our class size decreased from 28 students in each fourth grade class, to about 21 students.  This makes a HUGE difference!  I'm learning more and more about each and every one of my students and look forward to more as the year goes on.  I hope you're learning more about me as well.  
     Did you enjoy your 3-day weekend?  What did you do?  As for me, it was a/an productive, frustrating and yet exciting weekend.  First,  I got to attend my son's "open house" at Pearl City High School.  I met some of his teachers and learned about what he will be doing this semester.  Next, I got a night off from cooking dinner, so I got to eat out with my family =).  On Friday, I caught up with my housework, corrected some papers and spent time with my children at the park near our home.  Saturday was frustrating because I suffered a migraine headache (OUCH!).  I did not enjoy my Saturday.  I had so many things planned and I had to cancel them all.  I spent most of the day in bed, experiencing some body chills and didn't have any appetite to eat.  I canceled an outing to check out the "Made in Hawaii" expo at the Blaisdell Center and even had to cancel going to see my nephew play football!  That was a real bummer.  I was lucky to have my daughter cook a spaghetti dinner for the family that night because I couldn't even see clearly.  After a LONG night's rest, some medicine and some TLC from my family, I woke up Sunday morning with a big SMILE!  No more migraine headache!  I enjoyed breakfast with my family, and even went hiking up Koko Head Crater!  It was an exciting Sunday because it was our first time hiking up there.  It sure was steep at some parts, but the view was just spectacular!  If you didn't go, I hope you get to go up there one day and experience what I saw for yourself!  If you already went there, that's wonderful!  =)  I guess you know what I'm talking about.  So now it's your turn.  Please tell me what you did this weekend.  I look forward to your comments.  
     Have a wonderful day and I will see you in school!  Thanks for reading on.  Aloha....A hui hou!
Mrs. Wong