Thursday, January 30, 2014

How FULL is Your Bucket?

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana!
It's been a while since we've been on our BLOG!  Let's get back into the swing of things and start the year off on a positive note!  Do you remember when we read the book entitled, "How Full is Your Bucket? For Kids" by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer?  Wasn't it interesting to see how the main character, Felix, went from having an almost empty bucket in the beginning of the story, to having an almost full bucket at the end of the story?  I enjoyed reading your personal responses to this story in your notebooks.  Think of a time when you felt like Felix.  Did you help put a "drop" into someone else's bucket?  Or maybe someone else placed a "drop" into your bucket?  In any case, respond with as much details as you can.  Be sure to include the 5 Ws and 1 H (Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?)  Here is the question once more:
                    1.  Have you ever placed a "drop" into someone's bucket, or received "a drop"
                         from someone?  Explain when this happened, where, with whom, what was
                         it about, why, and how?

                                             Remember to respond by February 6, 2014.