Thursday, June 4, 2015

Holoholo with Hoku.....She made it to Australia!

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana!
        Great NEWS!  Remember back in March and April, we sent the crew members of Hokule`a and Hikianalia some letters and pictures of Hoku?  Well......they finally responded!  I got an email from a crew member of the Hokule`a!  Her name is Hye Jung Kim.  Hye Jung took 2 pictures with Hoku's picture.  She also said she will continue to take more pics. and keep in touch with me all summer long!  I hope you will keep following the Voyage and keep looking at this blog to see more news on Hoku's next adventure!  Have a wonderful Summer!  Much Aloha, Mrs. Wong

This is Hye Jung Kim with Hoku.  She is in Minjemba islands in
Australia.  She and Hoku said Aloha to the Quandamooka people
and are now heading to Townsville.

This is Hoku with Kawika and Haunani, crew members of
the Hokule`a.  They are posing in front of
Cleveland District StateHigh School, in Australia.

2015 Awards Assembly

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana!
       What a year it was!  Can't believe how quickly this year flew by!  This year, thanks to Mrs. Cheri Higashihara, we were able to recognize students and their many achievements!  Here are some students (total of 11 students were recognized from Room 28!)  who were "surprised" as their names were called, and they were called up to the stage!  Mahalo for working so hard this year!  I wish I could give EACH and EVERY one of my students an award for doing their best work and for always persevering and never giving up!  Hope you ALL have a great summer all deserve it!
                                                                                       Aloha, Mrs. Wong

Math Olympiad Member
Math Olympiad's
top 40% in the
Nation Award
(Rian B.)
Achieve 3000 Award
(Joshua N.)
Math Olympiad Member
Math Olympiad's
4op 40% in the Nation Award
(Tina V. )
Math olympiad  Member
(Samantha M.)
Math Olympiad Member
Math Olympiad Member
(James S. )


Perfect Attendance Award
Star Student Award
(Tehani Anne Y.)
Achieve 3000 Award
(Bryant L.)

Perfect Attendance Award
Achieve3000 Award
Citizenship Award
(Mason E.)
Perfect Attendance Award
Citizenship Award
(Hugo G.)
Star Student Award
(Alyssa M.)

Perfect Attendance Award
(Kobe R.)