Friday, December 30, 2016

Welcome Room 28 'Ohana 2016-17 School year!

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana,
As we close out the first semester,  I would like to thank you all for being patient with me as I recovered from my illness at home.  I sure missed out on a LOT of school happenings and learning!  I sure hope you all had a great 2nd quarter with Mrs. Amoroso, Ms. Drury, Mrs. Rivera, and Mrs. Ninomoto too!  :)

As you all know, I wanted so much to begin "blogging" in the 2nd quarter, but life happens and we had to deal with it and work through it!  Now that the storm has passed, I feel it is time to begin anew! What a perfect time to start our blog up the NEW YEAR!

As soon as I get permission from your parents, (YES, I MUST have their consent), you will be able to comment on the blog.  I will not post any of your pictures or comments unless I have their permission.  Otherwise, you can comment on any Blog assignments via hand-written responses, or using the school's google account.

I look forward to having the classroom blog up and running again with all that has been happening! I also look forward to working with you again in January!  On your mark, get set, get ready....LEARN!

Much Aloha,
Mrs. Wong

Hoku visited me and stayed with me
while I was in the hospital.

Here's Hoku keeping track of my IV medicine
and checking to see what's for lunch? LOL

Hoku kept taking the remote-control and
changing it to the Dog Channel!  I think it was
Pet Hui on OC16? Typical Hoku! 
This poster really made my hospital stay
so much more easier!  This brightened up my days/nights!
Mahalo to all of my students!  I really appreciated your warm wishes
to get better and to recover!  Aloha...

I had a lot of well-wishers out there!
It sure made me feel EXTRA Specical
and so Loved! Thank YOU everyone!