Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Welcome Room 28 'Ohana-Bloggers!

If you are reading this message, you have successfully logged on to our Room 28 'Ohana Blog!  I am so excited to finally get this "Blog" project up and running!  I am awaiting on more "bloggers" to turn in their permission forms so that they can get in on the FUN as well!  As soon as I get all papers in, we can surely begin our journey! 

I have to credit Miss. Lilli and Mrs. Tamashiro (Alyssa and Aaron's teachers) for inspiring me to use MORE technology in the classroom!  If it wasn't for Miss. Lilli, I would not have this wonderful blog to share with you!  Miss. Lilli is now back on the U.S. Mainland, but I do hope she will return to teach in Hawai`i.  My daughter, Alyssa, was so fortunate to have her as her teacher!  Mahalo and Aloha, Miss. Lilli!

Since this is my first time having a school blog, I am going to be learning along with YOU!  I will try my best to make our "blog" experience to be an adventure in itself!  I can't wait to use it in ALL of our subject areas, so let's work together to make this a success!  Are you ready BLOGGERS???  On your mark.....get set....
LEARN!  Aloha for now...Mrs. Wong

Be on the lookout for the next posting.....coming your way soon! (Let's encourage our class 'Ohana to return their blog-permission forms).


  1. I am excited to learn more about being a part of this blog!
    ---Mrs. Long

  2. Test post from Miss Lilli's computer

  3. I'm happy that we can do some of our work online!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. In the story Dexter the tough I predict. I think what wll happen Dexter wll get mad at sameone or he is nruis on the frist day of school.Maybe he is secreted

  6. I wonder if dexter and robin will be friends and if dexter is gonna go to robinʻs house and play with his dog.
