Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Reading about Dexter...

Aloha Room 28 Bloggers! 
It sure has been a while!  We took a short break to concentrate on our first quarter assessments and had to leave "Dexter" aside.  Now that we're back on track and reading more about Dexter, we sure are learning a LOT more!  We even met a new character...Robin!  Hmmmm...I wonder how Robin will influence Dexter?  I wonder if Robin and Dexter will begin a new friendship?  Your next assignment is to read chapters 9, 10 and 11 by Friday, Oct. 21.  But before you read, make a prediction.  If you've already read up to chapter 11, do a BLOG-response to the text.  You can do one of the following, or choose to respond in your own way! 
Response Ideas:
-Make a connection to Dexter or Robin
-What new information did you learn
-I wonder....
-This reminds me of...
-In these chapters, my favorite part was...

I'll be waiting for your response to Dexter, the Tough!  (or is he?)...
Mrs. Wong =)


  1. I wonder why Dexter punched Robin in the stomach in the bathroom.

  2. I wonder if Dexter and Robin will be friends.

  3. I wounder if Dexter and Robin are friends?

  4. I wounder if Robin is okay.

  5. It reminds me of when my friends was punched when they were walking to the mall cause they were in a fight at school that day because my friend thought she took things from her desk.Like how Robin was punched him at the bathroom for no reason cause Dexter just walked in and punched him when he walked by.

  6. It wish that Dexter wont punch or hurt anybody .If Dexter will not punch or hurt anybody he will not get in trouble and wont get detention from the principal,teacher and the staff of the school or at a store or at the mall and don't say bad words in the front of the adults if i were you .

  7. I wonder if Robin and Dexter will be friends because they have things in common kike they both get teased because of there name

  8. i wonder why Dexter's dad had to have surgery.And why did Dexter punch robin in the stomach.

  9. I wonder if Robin and Dexter will be friends?

  10. I wonder if Dexter and Robin is going to be friends and I also wonder why Dexter punched Robin.

  11. I wonder if Dexter and Robin is going to be friend.and I wonder why Dexter punch Robin in the stomach at the restroom.I hope Dexter don't punch people in the stomach or hurt anybody.And I wonder if Robin is okay.And i hope Dexter stomach is okay. and i hope Dexter learn his lesson to not punch peoplein the stomach and listen to the teacher.

  12. i wonder why Robin was crying

  13. I wonder if Robin will be friends with Dexter?
