Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Visit to Aunty Nona's Kalo Lo'i (Taro patch) in Haleiwa. 3/1/12

Aloha Students!
I am so thankful that the weather turned out so great that day we visited Aunty Nona's Kalo Lo'i!  Wasn't that FUN?  I could tell that EVERYONE enjoyed themselves and learned so much!  First of all, I was amazed at how skillful you were in playing konane (Hawaiian Checkers)!  Gabby beat me twice!  Next, I was very proud of you all for making such beautiful lauhala bracelets!  You listened to Uncle Moki's directions well!  Third, you made poi-pounding look so easy!  I appreciated how attentive you were with Aunty Lisa!  You all worked so hard to pound the kalo into pai'ai.  Wasn't that delicious?  Yummy!  Finally, you looked like you had the best time in the kalo lo'i.  For most of us, it was our very first time going into an actual lo'i!  It was for me too!  I couldn't believe how THICK the mud was and how cool and refreshing the mud felt on my skin!  It was like I had a mud mask on my legs!  How interesting to see the tadpoles and tiny fish swimming in the lo'i too!  Wasn't it wonderful how they had a swimming hole to wash off the mud?  The water was fresh from the mountain nearby, just like the ahupua'a we studied and made in school! 
I really hope you all had a wonderful time on this field trip!  It was my first time planning it, and I think by the comments made by you all, it was a success!  Mahalo and Aloha, Mrs. Wong =)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs. Wong,
    I was wondering if you could help me with contact information to schedule a field trip to Aunty Nona's Lo'i Kalo? I am a 4th grade teacher in Central District. You can reach me on lotus notes
    Thank you so much,
    Heather Ramiro
