Thursday, September 5, 2013

Welcome back to School!

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana!  
       We are off to a great start!  August is in the past and September is quickly whizzing by!  Can you believe that we've been in school for a whole month?  How time flies when we're learning and growing!  Our theme this year is to "Believe to Achieve!"  Always Believe in yourself and have that "CAN DO" attitude!  You'll see just how far you'll go and GROW!  I BELIEVE in ALL of YOU!  I hope you BELIEVE in me too! 
       September brings school pictures and lots of smiles!  Our picture taking days will be on 
September 19 & 20.  We will be getting more information from Mr. Miyahira as soon as he gets his schedule done.  Our book project will be coming home soon.  Be sure to have read a realistic fiction book by September 16.  September is also our Fall Fundraiser event!  Have you sold at least 10 Zippy's tickets?  Guess who you can throw a WET sponge at if you sold at least 10 tickets?  Yup! You guessed right if you said, "Mrs. Wong!"  So c'mon Room 28 'Ohana, sell sell sell!  
        October is our parent-teacher conferences.  Your parents will be officially notified on September 16.  You will be leading the conference when it's your turn to present your progress-folio!  Don't worry, we will practice prior to the conference.  October is also our Fall Book Fair.  Mrs. Browne is in the planning stages of this wonderful event!  
        I welcome your comments and reflections on your first month of school.  Remember to comment using appropriate words and ONLY appreciations, NO put-downs.  In your comments, please share your thoughts and opinions about your first month as a 4th grader!  Have a great weekend!
                                                                                     Aloha and Mahalo,
                                                                                      Mrs. Wong =)
Our Tribes in Room 28:  Gators,
Awesome People, Team Laulima,
and Diamond Swords
Team Laulima:  
Standing L to R:  Austen, Connor, Jason, Alexis & Jasmine
Sitting:  Elise
Diamond Swords:  
Standing L to R:  Alexzandria, Kaylee, Sara & Jayden.
Sitting:  Edison and Marc

The Gators:
Standing L to R:  Tristan, Adrian, Meki & Jonathan.
Sitting:  Serenity and Josiah

Awesome People:
Standing L to R:  Thaddeus, Maria, Christina, & Sharnell.
Sitting:  N. and Nathan