Friday, May 1, 2015

Where The Mountain Meets The Moon

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana!
          Next week Monday, May 4, will be our final field trip to Tenney Theatre.  It is a fantasy story that takes place in China.  It takes place in the Valley of Fruitless Mountain.  The story covers several themes, such as Fortune, Friendship, Loyalty, Destiny, Thankfulness and Happiness.

          Minli, the main character, will be taking a journey.  Minli, places a number of items in her blanket to bring on her journey.  She packs the following:
                             a needle, a pair of chopsticks, her white rabbit rice bowl, dried bamboo,
                             a hollow gourd full of water, a small knife, a fishnet, some uncooked rice,
                             a large pot
                             a small piece of bamboo
                             and one copper coin.

Make a PREDICTION as to how Minli might use each item.  Keep your comments brief.
Out of the eleven items, choose 5 to predict how Minli might use them.
                                                        Mrs. Wong