Friday, May 1, 2015

Where The Mountain Meets The Moon

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana!
          Next week Monday, May 4, will be our final field trip to Tenney Theatre.  It is a fantasy story that takes place in China.  It takes place in the Valley of Fruitless Mountain.  The story covers several themes, such as Fortune, Friendship, Loyalty, Destiny, Thankfulness and Happiness.

          Minli, the main character, will be taking a journey.  Minli, places a number of items in her blanket to bring on her journey.  She packs the following:
                             a needle, a pair of chopsticks, her white rabbit rice bowl, dried bamboo,
                             a hollow gourd full of water, a small knife, a fishnet, some uncooked rice,
                             a large pot
                             a small piece of bamboo
                             and one copper coin.

Make a PREDICTION as to how Minli might use each item.  Keep your comments brief.
Out of the eleven items, choose 5 to predict how Minli might use them.
                                                        Mrs. Wong



  1. Students,
    If you read the book, and know how Minli uses these objects, then describe your favorite part of the book. Don't forget to explain WHY?
    -Mrs. Wong

  2. These are the 5 items that I chose and how Minli might use them:

    1. Gourd-to get more water to drink from a stream
    2. Large pot-to cook rice or other foods
    3. Uncooked rice-to eat on her journey
    4. Chopsticks-useful to eat with
    5. Small knife-to hunt or cut with

    1. Great predictions, Mason! I hope some or ALL of your predictions will be true! Enjoy the Play tomorrow!
      Mrs. Wong

  3. Alexander BajetSunday, May 03, 2015

    these are ways Minli might use these 5 items

    small knife is for hunting and cut fruits and other food
    hollow gourd for colleting water
    pair of chopsticks to eat her rice and many other foods
    uncooked rice for Minli to eat
    large pot to cook rice and more

  4. 1. the knife might be used to kill animals
    2. the uncooked rice might be used to eat
    3. the chopsticks might be used to pick up the rice and eat
    4. the large pot maybe used to scoop up water
    5. the fish net maybe used to catch fish

  5. 1.copper coin I think the copper coin will be used for luck if she gets lost.
    2.large pot I think she well use it for storing items.
    3.fishnet I think she might use it to climb a mountain.
    4.needle I think she will use it by sewing her close if it breaks .
    5.small peace of bamboo I think she will use it to give her thoughts of her town

  6. She'll use the pot, water from the gourd and the uncooked rice to make rice. Then she can bend the needle into a fishhook and use the bamboo to make a fishing pole. She also can use the copper coin to buy fishing line and bait (bringing in the fish with the fishnet). Then she can eat her meal using her chopsticks and ricebowl.

  7. I liked the part when Minly met the dragon and when the dragon told his story about the fact he could not fly and the fact that he was a painting when he was created.

  8. BRYANT LUIS LACANILAOMonday, May 04, 2015

    My favorite part is when they helped the dragon (who could not fly) scratched by the green tiger (evil tiger who felt for a joke) then he got healed by da-fu and a-fu or da-a-fu from a medicine.

  9. John Jeremiel NoconMonday, May 04, 2015

    i liked the part when the man was putting his ear on the fishbowl HAHAHA!! :D

  10. my favorite part was when mimi wished for the dragon to fly and flew down to her house and got her thankfulness

  11. net-she use it for the monkeys hand to get stuck
    2.small knife-use for to cut fruits
    3.pair of chopsticks-use it for eating her rice
    4.gourd full of water-she use it for to drink the water
    5.uncooked rice-use for to eat on her journey

  12. 1 She trapped the monkeys in a fishing net
    2 she got uncooked rice to go on her journey to get a better fourton

  13. she used da rice to trap monkeys in da fishing net and got peaches im Adriana

  14. my favorite part was when minli grabbed her rice bowl and fishnet to trap the monkeys hand in the rice bowl.

  15. My favorite part of the play was the part was when she had to chase the magistrate niece I think that was his niece but I forget. :/ But that was my favorite part!

  16. my favorite part of the play was how minli is when she traded her fortune on her friend "dragon" ! . she wanted to change her fortune for her family but the old man of the moon could say 1 question {wish} . she has already found her fortune already !!!!!!

  17. samantha mitsuhashiThursday, May 07, 2015

    my favorite part of where the mountain meets the moon is when minli took the ball off of the dragons head because it reminded me when i was little and i liked to take apart alot of things and break stuff:)

  18. i like the part when the dragon looked at the todums and they were talking.

  19. my favorite part was when minli saved her friend the DRAGON.she took her wish for her friend when she was walking thro the forest.the wish was for DRAGON to fly.

  20. My favorite part was when the fish talked to the girl and the father
