Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Daruma Doll Goals

Happy New Year Room 28 `Ohana
I hope you all had a wonderful time over the break?  Now it's a NEW quarter, a NEW semester, and a NEW year!  We are going to use a traditional Japanese culture to set our goals for 2016!

Have you ever heard of a Daruma Doll?  This is what it looks like:
This is Daruma.  When you set a goal, you color in ONE of his eyes.
When you achieve your goal, you color in the other eye.  

As you can see, each color has a different meaning.  For example, the RED Daruma is for luck and good fortune.  It is also the most common of all the daruma dolls.  I will bring my doll to share with you tomorrow.  Today's blog assignment deals with having you share your goal or goals for the NEW YEAR!  

Take a moment to think about what you want to accomplish in the new year.  When you think of something, go ahead and submit it in the comment section.  Please think of a goal that is somewhat challenging for you.  It could be an academic goal, or something you would like to improve on in your life at home or at school.  

I look forward to reading about your goal or goals for 2016!  

Mrs. Wong