Friday, September 9, 2011

Realistic Fiction Book Project #1 (Reflections)

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana!
It's been so wonderful to listen and learn about  all the "realistic-fiction" stories you've all been reading!  Mrs. Long and I appreciate the time you put in to completing your book project (puppet and written report).  Please take some time to reflect on your learning when typing in your comment.  Share your thoughts about the first book project.  Share a "STAR" (Something you enjoyed, learned, or just something positive, etc...) and also share a "WISH" (Something you could improve on, or something you didn't enjoy doing, etc...).  We would LOVE to hear your "voices!"  
Mrs. Wong and Mrs. Long


  1. I would like to have more eye contact with the audience.

  2. I would like to learn more about Maui and Pele.
    I wish I have good eye context.

  3. I wish they had speak louder.I star they had eye contact with the audience.

  4. I wish for better eye contact to the audience.A star is good specking.

  5. I had a star for speaking loudly and clearly.
    I wish I would do eye contact with the audience.

  6. I really wished that I looked at the audience more.I was very nervous.My star was that I sounded good,and loud.I also explained another way to solve the problem(of the puppet's).

  7. I am happy with my pupet because I worked hared on it.

  8. I enjoyed listening to the reports. I liked the puppets. I wish I can do mine.

  9. I would like to share my puppet to the class with eye contact and speak clearly so they can hear me.
    Next time i am going to turn my book project in early.

  10. i wish to have more eye contact.a star is a good puppet

  11. I would like to sound louder when giving my report. I think I did a good job.

  12. Wish: I would speak louder to the audience.
    Star: I did good on my puppet.

  13. i wish to work harder and be better and turn my book project in early.

  14. I wish I could of made a nicer puppet and have more eye contact.

  15. I wish i can improve on making better eye contact with the audience. I was very nervous when I had to share my puppet.

  16. do you like greg my puppet
