Thursday, September 15, 2011

WANTED: Predictions...

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana!  Here is our first "Book Club Circle" story.  This is a realistic fiction story entitled, "Dexter The Tough," by Margaret Peterson Haddix.  Please take some time to post your "PREDICTION" in the comment section.  I can't wait to start reading about Mr. "Tough-guy" Dexter! Can You?   
Aloha, Mrs. Wong


  1. I can't wait to read Dexter the Tough.
    I predict that Dexter is a bully to all the other students.

  2. I predict that Dexter will lie about being tough and fake that he bullyed his friend.

  3. I can't wait to read Dexter The Tough

    i predict that Dexter might be a bully to others.

  4. i really want to read Dexter the tough. i predict that dexter is being a bully at first but then he isnt a bully at the end of the story.

  5. I really can't wait to read this book(Dexter The Tough).I predict that he is going to get in trouble for beating someone up and get sent to the principal's office.

  6. I really want to read Dexter the tough.

  7. In the sory, DEXTER THE TOUGH, I predict that Dexter will get in a fight and will get in troble and have to go to the principal.

  8. In the story,Dexter The Thought,I predect that Dexter is going to hit the princalpal ,secretary ,janitor, and the kids.

  9. In the story Dexter The Tough,I predict that Dexter is acting tough because he might want to be sent to the principals office.

  10. In the story,Dexter The Tough,I perdict Dexter will be lying about being a tough person and bullying other pepole.

  11. in the story dexter the tuoghp i perdict that his gooing to lie about bulling people

  12. In the story 'Dexter the tough' I predict Dexter is going to have a friend but Dexter will beat him up.
