Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Book Project #1 (Reflections)

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana,
     Thank you for working hard on your first book project!  I enjoyed reading about your "realistic-fiction" characters and especially enjoyed listening to your presentations while using your puppet to do the "talking."  Please spend a few moments to reflect on what you did to complete this book project.  In your comment, please answer the following questions:
     1.  What was your "strength(s)" regarding this project? 
     2.  What was the most "challenging" or difficult part of this project?
     3.  What is/are your next step(s) to "improve" on the NEXT book project?
I'm looking forward to reading your reflections. 
                                                                                Mahalo and Aloha,
                                                                                Mrs. Wong



  1. it was hard to do the hair but it turned out great but not only mine every ones puppet was wonderful.

  2. It was hard to do the face and the hair.But it was fun to do

  3. It was hard because the hair me and my mom was trying to do it butI finish

  4. on the puppet,the hard part is the report

  5. it was hard becacse my charcter's hair had short bangs

    1. Mine had short bangs to but mrs.wong gave us an idea!!!!

  6. It was hard because I do not like standing in front of the class but I kind of like it and everyones puppet was beutiful and I hope everyone will comment about there puppet because everyone want to here about it.

  7. I will improve on my next book project by explaining my similaritys and differences and eyeconntact

  8. my sister riped the eye out but i fixed it and it was hard to do the hair,face,and the shirt.also it was scary when everyone was looking at me at the presentation!!

    1. i think your eyes were fine!!!!

  9. it was hard when i did the puppets hair beacause the glue went every where.the scary part of the project one was to share or tell it with my teacher and my friends/classmates and when every body in my class was looking at me.I will do better on the next book project by woking on my speaches, hand writing,and my art work.I will also do good by looking at the audiance when it is my turn to share or speaking out loud.

    1. Tiara, Thank you for your thoughts/reflection. With practice and time, I'm sure you'll be a confident speaker by the end of the school year! I'm looking forward to more of your presentations.

      Mrs. Wong

  10. this was fun making it but it was hard finding the paper bag

  11. this was fun making the book project (the anoymous commet was mine
