Sunday, November 4, 2012

WANTED: Mystery Box Reflections...

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana:
      Well, it's time for another book project reflection.  For those of you who did not complete your mystery box book project, please reflect upon the "choices" you made for not completing your assignment and let us know what you will do NEXT time there is a book project due.  Remember, the NEXT book project (Biography Timeline) will be due on Wednesday, Nov. 14.  You all should have been working on it since it was assigned on Oct. 22.  
     Please answer the following questions about your "Mystery Box" book project:  
1.  What was the title of the book you read?  Would you recommend your book to others? Tell why, or why not?
2.  What was the most challenging part of this book project?
3.  What was the "success" in this book project?

     Mahalo for taking the time to post your comments.  Again, let me remind you that this is our classroom blog and we continue to follow TRIBE agreements and understand GLO 6:  Effective and Ethical users of Technology.  With this in mind, I look forward to reading about your reflections...
Aloha and A hui hou,

Mrs. Wong



  1. Wow!those projects are great and it was fun doing it.

  2. It was fun and I enjoyed every ones book project.THe tittle of my book project was Carnival at Candle light.Yes,I would recomend this book too others because it teaches us a good lesson which was too always follow your dreams and one day you will reach your dream or your goal and onthe back of the book has a little bit of true facts of venice.The hard part of this book project was glueing the pictures on the box and in the box because the glue went every where.And that is what I thik of book project#2 and have a great week or day...!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. My book project is about the book blizzard of the blue moon I think this is a good book for other people to read.There are so many great project and only nine did there book project,what was very hard was when we had to find the box and itwas harder then I expected.So far this was the most fun book project!!!!!!!

  4. My book was Follow That Ghost.Yes,because it has great clues and a great mystery to be solved and Ithink other people would love the book!It was hard or challenging to do the inside of the box because it was always falling down and I also had to do more things in the box and it was hard to do the clues on each sideof the box.It was a sucsess when I did my inside over again.All of the boxes are a sucsess and amazing!!!!!!It was scary to go up in the classroom and show my mystery box!but it was fun:)

  5. the hard part was the inside and what book I read was the mystery of the snowman the sucess was the outside

  6. the title of my book was the code.I would recomend this book for others becuase they solve codes.the succsesful part was doing my project.The hardest part was the inside.

  7. It was fun and hard my title was horrrl land. I would recomend because it could be fun for them to sovle.My hard part was the cules.My succes was the inside.
