Friday, April 19, 2013

Bishop Museum Field Trip

Aloha Room 28 Bloggers!
     Did you enjoy our recent visit to the Bishop Museum?  I've heard several comments (all positive ones, of course) from many students in the past few weeks.  I want to know what part of the field trip you enjoyed?  It was a day filled with so much learning!  We were definitely Thinking Interdependently!  From learning about our Hawaiian Culture, to learning about the constellations!  We learned about plate tectonics and how a tsunami can occur.  Don't forget the many "bugs" and critters we saw along the way, and the wonderful science building!  Wasn't it amazing and so honorable to meet an actual World War II Veteran?  It was a "chicken-skin" moment to meet Mr. Herbert Yamamura!  He was such a warm-hearted gentleman.  What a Hero!  Now it's your turn...
Tell me what you learned, or what you enjoyed about this visit.
                                                              Mahalo for your "mana'o"
                                                               Mrs. Wong


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I loved the funny insects it was cool.THe world war two represenetive was cool I wonder what he is doing after he retierd.reyna and jordan look funny.

  3. That was so much fun,but the bug is starting to creep me out.If i got to grade the field trip from 1-10 i grade it 10.

  4. I had a good time at the Bishop museum. We got to use the volcano and we got to see a world war 2 veteran

  5. The Feild Trip was fun and it was nice that the world war 2 veteran took his time to tell us about what happen.I also liked going to hawaiian hall.

  6. lots of the bugs scared most of us and my favorite bug has to be the praying mantis.I was suprised to find out that george washington was at the top of the list to get the medalions.

  7. That day very fun for me and the hole class and my aunty my fravorite part was when i got to see those bugs and going into Hawaiian hall and the plantatorum

  8. the feild trip was awsome because I saw alot of insect and about are island and a volcano.

  9. the field trip was fun my favorite was get to go to the volcano and tom see the bug

  10. the field trip was great i want to go there again

  11. The Bishop Museume was awsome!when we were at the prying mantis,I could speak to it.I knew mantis language.

  12. The insects and bugs were cool.THe F/T helped us learn about the weather, and the history of World War ll and the history of our Hawaiian history.

  13. The field trip was awsome!I can speak mantis language.

  14. the field trip was cool i learn alot of stuff from the bishop museum thank you for takeing us mrs.wong.

  15. Our field trip was a blast because have you ever seen a bug so big and huge and taller then you and it was so awesome totally.

  16. I look awesome =)

  17. Cool B U G awesomeness
