Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Kalo Planting with Mrs. Aldueso

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana,

          It sure was an exciting week!  First kalo (taro) planting, then a field trip to see the live performance of "Lono."  I was very pleased to learn how much you all enjoyed learning more about the kalo and its precious gifts it can provide for everyone!  How fortunate we are to have been given a "huli" to plant for each student in the fourth grade!  We truly appreciate Mrs. Aldueso (and her gardening students) for sharing this experience with us!  Even though we won't be able to harvest the kalo this school year, we will surely be able to witness the growth!  We will commit a few minutes each week to work in the lo`i to pull out the weeds and make sure there is enough water for the corm to grow.  It was wonderful to see all of you working so hard in the garden, and showing your respect by saying the oli (chant) before planting the kalo.  This week is another exciting week!  Thanks to Mrs. Yabuki (our cafeteria manager), we will be able to steam the recently harvested corm and pound them into pa`i`ai (freshly pounded corm without water) and poi (with water added).  I can't wait!  
           Please send me your comment to these two questions below:
                                 1.  What are 2 things you learned about the "kalo" plant?
                                 2.   What lesson did you learn in the play, "Lono"?  

                                                                         Mahalo and Aloha,
                                                                          Mrs. Wong

Here we are...getting our hands in the 'aina (land)!  What a treat for all of us!
Our kalo (taro) plants will be strong and healthy!

Mahalo Mrs. Aldueso and garden club students!  Mahalo for sharing your "huli" with us!
 We will help to care for the dry-land taro patch (lo`i)
so the kalo will be ready for harvesting in 9 to 12 months!  

Halloween FUN!

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana!
         Our first quarter has quickly come to an end!  I hope you all enjoyed presenting your progress-folio to your parents/family.  For those of you who did your student-led conferences at school, I just wanted to congratulate you for doing a WONDERFUL job!  You all impressed me with your speeches to your parents and your poised behavior while conducting your conference!  "Maika`i!" (Good Job!) As I would say!  I hope you will continue to grow and learn more as we look forward to yet another quarter ahead!  It was great to have Halloween as a fun distraction to help us all celebrate our many accomplishments!  Mahalo for putting forth your BEST!  
                                                                        Much Aloha,
                                                                        Mrs. Wong, aka "Mrs. Incredible" =)
Room 28 'Ohana
A Very Spirited Class!  Happy Halloween!

Our Class representatives for Most Original (Tad dressed as Linus),
and for Funniest (Nathan dressed as Mario).  Tad won 1st Place in his division,
and Nathan placed 2nd in his division!  Thanks guys!  You represented Room 28 well!