Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Kalo Planting with Mrs. Aldueso

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana,

          It sure was an exciting week!  First kalo (taro) planting, then a field trip to see the live performance of "Lono."  I was very pleased to learn how much you all enjoyed learning more about the kalo and its precious gifts it can provide for everyone!  How fortunate we are to have been given a "huli" to plant for each student in the fourth grade!  We truly appreciate Mrs. Aldueso (and her gardening students) for sharing this experience with us!  Even though we won't be able to harvest the kalo this school year, we will surely be able to witness the growth!  We will commit a few minutes each week to work in the lo`i to pull out the weeds and make sure there is enough water for the corm to grow.  It was wonderful to see all of you working so hard in the garden, and showing your respect by saying the oli (chant) before planting the kalo.  This week is another exciting week!  Thanks to Mrs. Yabuki (our cafeteria manager), we will be able to steam the recently harvested corm and pound them into pa`i`ai (freshly pounded corm without water) and poi (with water added).  I can't wait!  
           Please send me your comment to these two questions below:
                                 1.  What are 2 things you learned about the "kalo" plant?
                                 2.   What lesson did you learn in the play, "Lono"?  

                                                                         Mahalo and Aloha,
                                                                          Mrs. Wong

Here we are...getting our hands in the 'aina (land)!  What a treat for all of us!
Our kalo (taro) plants will be strong and healthy!

Mahalo Mrs. Aldueso and garden club students!  Mahalo for sharing your "huli" with us!
 We will help to care for the dry-land taro patch (lo`i)
so the kalo will be ready for harvesting in 9 to 12 months!  


  1. I learned in the play "lonos Journey" that we can be humble, respect others, and don't expect other people to do your work for you ps: this is # 1

  2. i learned that the kalo plant is first boiled before being pounded.Also i learned it takes many months to grow.

  3. The lesson i learned is you must be humble and pacient .

  4. i learned to be patient to be kind to others.i learned that you can chop off the leaves and plant it and you can stem it and wrap in leaves

  5. you can eat the kalo.their are 250 to 300 types of kalo

  6. i learned how to be not a bully and be patient . for the kalo i learned that the kalo to be boiled then pounded then you could eat it .

  7. never give up. Always try your hartest

  8. that the kalo plant1 whole year to grow and boil it and eat it.Ierned that you have to be humble and be nice .

  9. you can always achieve if you try hard

  10. the kalo planting was so fun.l cant wait to l get to eat it.l learned how to humble my self when your planting. l still wonder how dirt got in my gloves

  11. From Lono,I learned that to be humble and pacient.

  12. i learned hat kalo plant takes many months to grow i also learned that has leaves like haerts.

  13. i learned that kalo plants takes a long time to grow.from the play ''Lono'' the lesson i learned is that you have to be humble and patient.

  14. one thing that I learned about kalo plant is that you mash the corm to make a bitter paste. another thing is that it has many uses.

  15. the lesson I learned in "LONO" is that you should humble yourself.

  16. I learned that the kalo plant is a underground plant.Also that when the kalo plant is smashed,it turns into poi and it will be purple.

  17. First, I learned that it is hard to dig the dirt. It is difficult to dig because the soil is not wet when you put the kalo in dirt . I also learned that it is better to work together. When you work together it is easier to do something than when you have no one to help you . I learned in the play Lono that you can do any thing you want to achieve. In the play, when Lono didn't have the other healer he had to do a mission by himself.

  18. 1. I learned that kalo has a root and leaves and that you can eat the whole plant. I also learned that you make poi by smashing the kalo root with a poi pounder.

    2. I learned from the play that we can learn a lot if we listen to our kumu/teacher.

  19. 1.I learned that it was hard make a hole for the kalo. 2.I learn from the play to try your best calm down.

  20. what i like about 4th grade is that is its easy for some subjects like math and music because its so much fun for me and we also get to plant the kalo with mrs. Aldueso and soon enough we get to eat the kalo

  21. i learned that you have to boil the kalo and its hard to dig the hole.i learned to not be rude.

  22. i learned that in kalo planting leason that you have to dig a hole and put the kalo inside then dig it back.

  23. i learned that to never be mean and wait patience.

  24. i learned while doing the kalo plant ,we dig the hole kind o deep so the whole kalo plant can be showing, so it can grow.

  25. I learned that 1] it takes a lot of hard work to plant
    2] a lot of patience for the out come.

    The play taught me to always be nice and not mean.

  26. tristan:happy chrismasMonday, December 02, 2013

    when you garden sometimes.
    you find different bugs and there weird

    1. Also, we have to leave the bugs alone <3

  27. i learned that kola is grown under grond and i leraned in the show lono that you dont always win at something and that you can always can be something else
