Monday, March 3, 2014

Bike Ed. ROCKS!

Aloha Room 28 `Ohana!
     Last week was so exciting!  We held our annual 4th grade Bike Ed. class, compliments of the Hawaii Bicycling League (HBL).  We were so thankful that our school could once again participate in such a wonderful, and very educational program.  I'm so proud to report that ALL 21 students are now officially HBL-certified Bike Riders!  Room 28 students were very positive and very well-behaved!  Miss. Amanda said, "Mrs. Wong, your students are a great group!  I've never had such a well-behaved, very good bunch of kids!  I'm enjoying your class!"  Great Job, Room 28!  
                                         In your comments, please share the following:  
                           1.  What was your favorite part of the Bike Ed. program? Why?
                           2.  What "safety" rule did you find most helpful?
                           3.  Would you recommend this program to others? Why?

                                                         Your comments  must be posted by 
                                                                  Friday, March 14, 2014
Room 28 students all dressed in their safety vest and
helmet...ready to learn about bicycle safety on the road!
Practice, practice, and more practice makes bicycling FUN!

Thank you,  Mr. Mike, Ms. Amanda, and Ms. Kanani for
showing us the RIGHT way to ride SAFELY!  


  1. My favorite part and a safety rule was practicing a checkpoint, I liked calling out what Mike had on his hands. I would recomend BikeEd because it's fun riding on the bridge.

    1. I agree, Connor. The skill you mentioned was when you looked back over your left shoulder. It's important that you can check what's behind you, and yet be aware of where you are going, and what's in front of you too! Glad you had fun learning about bicycle safety!

  2. My favorte part was riding on the road.When you make a u-turn you look back and foward.Yes because other people that dont know how to ride a bike can because bike ed will help you.

    1. You all did a great job with "looking back" to check for any on-coming cars or people. Great bicycling, Edison!

  3. my favorite part was the safty check and when we went on the road we did the drills

  4. 6 point safty check yes i would recomend this because it teaches people how to ride a bike

    1. Nick, not only how to ride a bike, but to also ride a bike "safely." Sounds like you're ready to ride on the road with caution and great skills!

  5. my favorite part was riding on the road with ms amanda and mrs wong because it was fun a saftey rule is to watch where your going . i would recommend bikeed to others because its fun riding on the road .

    1. Jasmine, you learned how to ride a bike so quickly!!! I was amazed at how much you gained from day 1 to day 5! Congratulations on your successful bike riding experience! It was a pleasure teaching you while Miss. Amanda was away!

  6. My favorite part and safety rule is on the first day we went on the road and did are checkpoint

    1. Alexis, Why was doing a "checkpoint" your favorite part about Bike Ed.? Would you recommend this program? Why?

  7. it was a fun time to go to bike ed

    1. Maria, please answer all 3 questions that were posted on the blog. Don't forget to explain why.

  8. bike ed was fun learend that you should always use saftey gear i hope we have bike ed in 6th grade and 5 grade

    1. Hi Alex, Congratulations on your success in bike education! I was very proud of you and how you quickly learned how to ride a bike in less than 2 days! Sorry, but Bike Ed. is only a 4th grade program. I hope you will continue to ride, nonetheless! Don't forget to go back to answer the other 2 questions on the blog. 1. What was your favorite part of Bike Ed. and why?
      2. Would you recommend this program? Why?

    2. i would recommend this program because ITS AWESOME and it teaches people how to ride a bike

    3. I wish we had Bike Ed. In 5 and 6 grade too!!its like you can read my mind.

  9. My favorite part of bike ed was riding on the road with Mr.Mike because we learned how to ride out from a garage door.

  10. The most helpful safety rule was the six point safety check because it helped us to keep our bike safe and to keep us safe on the road.

    1. M.T.S., I agree. The 6 point safety check is always a great start before a ride out on the road. I always tell my own children to do it themselves. We need to keep everyone safe! Mahalo for sharing your reflections.

  11. YES, I would because if their my family I would want to keep them safe while on the road.

  12. getting to go on the walk your bike out if you can't see if cars are others can learn how to ride bikes and learn rules.

    1. Kaylee, I'm glad you learned a lot of "safety" rules in Bike Ed.! Thank you for being our volunteer representative during our first lesson in the classroom. Happy Bike Riding! =)

  13. My favorite part of Bike Ed is riding a bike because I never knew how to ride a bike.I'm probley going to get a bike!!!The safest rule I learned is that when you ride a bike,ALWAYS wear a helment.A helmet could save your life!I would reccomend this program to others because they probley don't know how to ride a bike.Who knows?

    1. Sara,
      Congratulations! I was very proud of you learning how to ride a bike in such a short period! I agree, wearing a helmet is very important and it could save a life! I hope you do get a bike and continue to ride! Remember.....practice makes perfect! Mahalo for your reflections.

  14. i agree because in this program you learn how to ride a bike and the saftey on the road

  15. My favorite part was when I had to look back at the teachers and say what signsthey were showing while still riding.

    1. Elise, glad you could join us at the 2nd half of the program! You were great with reading my hand signals (shaka or high-5) while looking back! You were awesome of being my "end of the line" leader when we cruised around the parking lot! Lots of fun while learning so much!

  16. the most fun part about bike-ed was going on the bring

    1. Tristan, I'm glad you enjoyed riding over the bridge and on to the streets to apply what you've learned! What was the most helpful safety rule you learned in Bike Ed.? Did you use it while you were on the streets of Aiea? Would you recommend this safety program? If so, why?
      Happy riding, and keep safe! =)

  17. my fvorite part of bike ed is the roads , because you got to go down hills and stuff.
    the most helpful thing is ihe 6 point safety check.
    I would recomend it because you learn safety and have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Awesome! Yes, I agree, Bike Ed. is an excellent safety program because not only do you learn in a "safe" zone, but you get to apply what you learn in a "real-world" situation! It's a LIFE-long learning experience for all of us! Happy Bike riding.....don't forget your helmet! =)

  18. My favoreite part of bike ED was going over the bridge because we were leaving school campus. I found the 6 point safety check the most helpful because I was going to ride my bike and I did the6 point safety check and my breaks weren't working! Yes I would recommend this program to others because some people don't ride safely at all.

    1. Ah ha! You just applied your NEW learning to your own life! Wonderful! So glad you did that 6 point check, otherwise you know what would probably have happened next!?!? Good example, and thanks for sharing with us!
      I agree with your last statement. I've seen many bike riders who were NOT following safety rules, and I worry about them because they're putting themselves and others at risk of injury, or even death! Let's all be safe while riding our bikes! Happy Bicycling Tad!

  19. my favorite part was when we were riding around the grass that was hard but fun at the same time. and the rule that helped me a lot was to never look down and that really helped me alot to stay balanced. i wish i could tell my cousin about this program

    1. Maria, You sure learned A LOT, in such a short period of time! I agree, you need to look "ahead" when you're riding a bike. That way you can look for any hazards to "avoid" and look for anything that may get in the way of safe bike riding! Good riding, great learning! I do hope you'll get a bike one day soon! I'll keep my fingers cross! =)

  20. I wish one day icould get abike

  21. my favorite part of bike ed was riding the bike around the block. The brake rule helped me the most. i would recommend this to others because its fun a great exercise.

    1. Adrian, I agree, bike riding is a fun way to exercise and keep your body and mind very healthy! Mr. Mike was very impressed with your bike riding skills, and that's why he made you his "co-pilot." Great work! Happy bicycling!

  22. riding a bike is like riding an ANGEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. in biked you get to learn about safety on the roads when you are on a is also fun because I got to ride in front of campus,brige,and in the neighborhood.

    1. Josiah, you did an excellent job during Bike Ed. week! I'm glad you were able to apply your NEW learning to a real-world situation! Now, what safety rule did you find most helpful to you? Did you use this rule while you were out riding in the neighborhood? Would you recommend this program to others? If so, why?
      Be safe, have fun, and don't forget your helmet! =)

  24. favorite part in Bike Ed is riding a bike because it was fun. 2.what safety rule I find most helpful is always ride with a helmet.
    3.yes because it's a way to stay fit.

    1. Thanks for your comments Christina! I agree, riding a bike is a fun and great way to stay fit! I'm glad you enjoyed learning about bicycle safety with your friends and the Hawaii Bicycling League! Keep On Riding! :-)

  25. My favorite part of bike ed was being able to ride around the neighborhood becuase we were able to learn how to make a U-turn. The most helpful safety rule i think was to look over your left shoulder when riding a bike for cars or motorcycles. I would recommend other people to this program so that they can learn how to ride a bike and how to make hand signals and about safety when riding a bike.

    1. That is a very helpful safety rule you mentioned. It is always important to look ahead, but at the same time, you need to occasionally check what's behind you. It's a skill that needs to be practiced a lot, but it can definitely keep you SAFE! You and your classmates did an excellent job with Bike Ed. this year! Happy Bike Riding!!! ;-)

  26. Jonathan L.A.CastroSunday, March 23, 2014

    my favorite par of bike Ed was getting to ride fast in the grass I rided fast in the grass because I didn't want to tip or fall down.

  27. JonathanL.A.CastroSunday, March 23, 2014

    In bike Ed the most helpful was the 6-point safety check to check the bike.

  28. JonathAN l.a.cASATROSunday, March 23, 2014

    I recommend Bike ed to others because it is fUN !

    1. Jonathan, I was very impressed and proud of your "quick" learning! I know you perfected your bicycling skills all in just 5 days! You were riding like a pro by the time day 4 rolled along! You even did the "look back" drill and passed with flying colors! "shaka!" I saw that you were already putting your skills to use with your sister and your dad! Great riding! Keep on riding....summer is just around the corner! ;-)

  29. 1) My favorite part of Bike Ed. was the checkpoint because it was fun. Another part that I enjoyed was using the brakes on my bike.

    2) The safety rule that is important is to always wear a helmet when you ride a bike so you don't hurt your head if you accidentally fall off your bike.

    3) Yes, I would recommend the program because it was so fun, and you get to learn all the bike rules and bike signals.

    1. Thanks for your refelctions, Austen! I agree, wearing a helmet is always a good rule to follow. I have to always remember to use my helmet even when I'm only going around the block a few times. I'm so glad you had fun learning about bicycle safety. You and your friends did an awesome job when I tested you all on the different drills! You could weave in and out of the cones so well! I was so impressed at how smooth you were when you looked back at the hand signal I gave and kept riding without falling off or hitting the poles! Great job, Austen! Happy "safe" bike riding!!!! ;-)
