Monday, April 7, 2014

It's the 4th Quarter Already???!!!???!!!

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana!
      I don't know about you, but this school year is just "flying by" for me!  I can't believe we are already in the 3rd week of the 4th Quarter....the LAST quarter of the school year!  As we all continue to learn as much as we can in our last two months of 4th grade, I want you to reflect upon your 3 past quarters and think of 2 goals you would like to accomplish before May 29, the last day of school.  Let's be specific and name/explain 2 "school-related" goals.  Think to yourself, what do I really want to set my mind at accomplishing before I become a 5th grader?  Don't worry if you don't succeed at accomplishing these goals, because it'll be your first two goals as a 5th grader to keep on trying!  If you find that you do accomplish these goals by May 29th, then that's just an added bonus!
      What I really want you all to remember is to always continue to challenge yourself.  Set goals, aim high, and never settle for less!  Do and be the BEST you can be in all you do.  Don't let anyone put you down, and as long as you believe in yourself, then know that one day YOU CAN, and YOU WILL!
      Have your (2) goals posted by Sunday, April 13.  Be thoughtful when responding.
                                                                              Mahalo, Mrs. Wong


  1. #1
    goal to reach by May 29, 2014 is to try not to get anything on my passcard and even if i get something on my passcard i will try to get it all off.

  2. I'm going to miss this class. My goal is not to get anything on my pass card and to not get distracted by anything

  3. i am trying to get stuff off my passcard and not on it :)!!

  4. 1; My first goal is that I don't get anything on my passcard and another goal is that I want to be better at school rules too.

  5. Connor NathanielThursday, April 10, 2014

    1: I want to get at least 3 MEs on my report card. 2: I want to get a good grade in an artwork.

    1. Connor NathanielFriday, April 11, 2014

      Its totally true.
      P.S. when i said this, i said it in a british accent. : )

    2. good job connor

  6. my goal is not to get a lot of things on my pass card so i don't have to worry about anything

  7. i want to not be tarty or absent. 2 I want to get 100% off my passcard each month:)

  8. my goal is to make friends that i don't really know yet and get to know them well

  9. 1. My first goal is to get a cleared or clean passcard at the end of the year.
    2. My second goal is to get perfect attendance at the of the month and school year.

  10. my goal is try to not to get a loot of things on my pascard and to do all my homework

  11. my goal is to met all of the new student in 4th and 5th that i do not know that well

  12. what i really want to accomplish by may 29th is to complete all of my work and because to pass the fourth grade and what i also really want to accomplish by the end of the school year is to get good grades because i want to make my parents proud of me.

  13. my goal for 4th quarter is to be respectful and to be responsibla

  14. i want to be able to get every thing off of my passcard and pass fourth grade because i get alot of bad grades.

  15. :) love 4th grade

  16. my goal is that before may 29 i want to get good grades and get things off my passcard and make it clean and i really love fourth grade.

  17. my writing and good grades

  18. first goal is complete all assignments on time and to keep my passcard clear or clean.

  19. To do all work and get my pass card clean. TO be a good student.

  20. to do good in school

  21. My goal is to get a clean passcard and my scond goal is to get a good grades.

  22. my goal is to get better grades.

  23. my goal is to get a clean pass card.

  24. my goal is to get everything off my pass card

  25. One of my goals are to get good grades in science. So far I'm following that goal because I got 2 MP's in science in the 3rd quarter. I have to keep it up. My other goal is to get no projects on my passcard. if I got a project on my passcard ,it will be and to get it off my passcard. So,I started my goals already.

  26. My goal is to be able to go to the water play at the end of the year. Also to be able to get chosen for secretary

  27. im going to miss 4th grade and my friends they always made me laugh
