Thursday, July 31, 2014

Are you ready for an ADVENTURE???

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana!
       Welcome to another school year!  I hope you all had a fun and relaxing summer break?  For those of you who were here at Scott Elementary last school year, welcome back!  For those who are NEW to the Scott School 'Ohana, we welcome you to your new school and community.  We are so thrilled to have you on board!
       Get ready because 4th grade is an exciting journey that will inspire you to dream, believe and achieve!  We will embark on a voyage that's filled with new WONDERS!  We will take things one day at a time and one STEP at a time!
       Like the stars did for the ancient Navigators who traveled the vast ocean, we will help guide each other throughout the school year,  sailing forward into time as we gain new knowledge, make new friends, and engage in new experiences.
       I want you to visualize that we, as a class, will be in this canoe, traveling from island to island, and even country to country, building new relationships while fostering our learning.  It is important that we value each other as a 'Ohana, and problem-solve to move on in hopes of reaching the many goals we've set this year!
       This year, I would like for us to focus on the theme of "Malama Honua"  (Taking care of the Earth.)  This will be our theme to help us be aware of our environment and to also promote peace within ourselves and with others.  With this in mind, I would like for you to share one way that you and your own 'Ohana help to "Malama Honua."  Let's all share our wonderful ideas!
       I'm looking forward  to this new journey with all of you!  I hope you will work hard to help me  paddle our canoe and raise our sails so that we can all reach our goals!  We can take turns being the Navigator and lead our canoe through this 4th grade adventure!
                                                                            Mahalo and Aloha,
                                                                            Mrs. Wong

Hokule`a at Hawaii Kai Marina.  Many well-wishers and visitors  on
board to send her off with a warm Aloha as she travels to Tahiti with her crew.

Here I am with a crew member of Hokule`a.  What an honor
to be on board and be a part of a historical event!

This is Hokule`a's and Hikianalia's voyage mapped out on a world map.
It will be about a  4 year journey, with 85 ports, 26 countries,
47,000 Nautical miles, and 315 voyagers.
"Honor, celebrate all cultures of the planet by respecting them"--Nainoa Thompson


  1. To malama hounua (Takes care of the earth), my 'Ohana and I recycle our aluminum cans, our plastics, and our newspapers. We also use energy-efficient light bulbs, and we usually hang our laundry to dry instead of using the dryer.

  2. to malama hounua i will take the pastic bottles to make plastic water bucket or a money saver

    1. Great idea, John! You are reusing items that could otherwise be thrown away and sent to our landfills. Thanks for sharing.

  3. To malama hounua, I recycle cans and bottles by reusing water bottles.

    1. Yes! That is a great way to malama honua! I also do the same with my recycables! Thanks for sharing, Bryant!

  4. To malama hounua, my ohana recycles cans and plastic bottles.

    1. Way to go, Hugo! You are taking care of your honua!

  5. To malama hounua, I bring the same water thermos to school everyday.

    1. Thanks for sharing this, Rian. You are making sure you create LESS trash going into our landfills. I try to use a reusable container for water too!

  6. to take care of the earth I reuse my water bottle everyday so I wont have to buy new water bottles and I also use newspapers at dinner and lunch so I wont spill food on the table

    1. Mahalo for sharing your thoughts Tina! You are doing a great job of malama honua!

  7. i malama honua by throwing my trash in the rubish.And hang my clothes

    1. Mahalo for sharing your ideas! Continue to malama honua! Encourage your friends and family as well.

  8. I james will malama hounua, by maybe next time I see trash in the water I will pick it up.

    1. I hope you will, James! There are a lot of unwanted trash that wash up on our shorelines. We need to remember to malama our island beaches!

  9. To malama hounua I can not litter.

  10. I malama hounua taking all paper so i can make paper game and paper airplane

  11. i malama honua by conserving water

    1. Conserving water and using what is only needed is a wonderful way to malama honua! Mahalo for your thoughts.

  12. I malama hounua by recycling and taking short showers

    1. Alex, I try my best to take short showers too! I make sure I'm out of the shower before the 5 min. mark! It takes practice, but we can all do it! Great idea!

  13. i malama honua by dring my clos in steed of using the drier

    1. Mahalo Jasmyne, for sharing your thoughts! I agree, using the sun (la) to help dry our clothes will save energy and that definitely takes care of the earth! Aloha!

  14. i malama honua by recycling things

  15. i malama honua by picking up plastic bags , plastic water bottels ,cans ,also going to the beach and pick up all the trash at the beach too.i love malama honua the earth

    1. Doing a beach clean up is a great way to malama honua! Thanks for sharing Mae!

  16. i malama honua by reusing plastik bag and recycl bottels and using haner to hane my cloths

    1. Mahalo Jaspher. I also reuse plastic bags and recycle my plastics, paper, and aluminum. It is amazing how much we can recycle in just one month!

  17. Our 'ohana helps malama honua by recycling and using water wisely.

    1. Mahalo Mason, for sharing your thoughts and ideas. Continue to malama honua!
