Monday, September 22, 2014

Huki I Ke Kalo, Huki, Huki Mai!

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana,
         Last school year, the 4th graders, along with the gardening club, planted a dry-land lo`i kalo.
Thanks to Mrs. Sharon Aldueso, we were able to plant over 50 huli (stems).  The lo`i thrived and was now ready for harvesting.  Thanks to the expertise of Mr. Matsumoto's son, Kaipo, we were educated about when to harvest the plants.  Kaipo noticed that the corm was showing, so he said it was definitely ready for us to harvest!  It was hard work, but so much fun to dig our hands into the soil and pull out the kalo!  The students did a great job!  We will now clean the corms, replant the huli/stems, and have Mr. Joe Esta and Ms. Liana Kilaulani (in the cafeteria), help us to boil the corm.
                                                                          Mahalo, Mrs. Wong

Mae and Victoria all dressed up for hard work in the lo`i!  

"This took about 3 people to pull out!" 
Jaspher looks confident as a mahi`ai (farmer)!


  1. it was hard that time I remember about the big kalo that will take 3 of my classmates to take out :]

  2. Replies
    1. answer the question pwease

  3. I remember about when it took 6 people to pull out a giant kalo

  4. Took 6 people to pull out a giant kalo in the garden.
