Monday, September 22, 2014

Holoholo with Hoku!

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana,
          As you all know, I was once a kindergarten teacher.  Back then, I had a writing project involving the students and a class "mascot."  The first time I did this project, I had Makana Bear help us with the adventures.  Makana Bear went home with a student, and spent up to 3 days at a time with the student and his/her 'Ohana.  While away, she went on many different adventures.  The students and their 'Ohana wrote about each adventure and included pictures or drawings of their time together.  A few years went by, and we had Puni-Hele given to me and my students.  Again, just like Makana Bear, Puni-Hele went on many wonderful adventures!  It sure was memorable looking back at all the great adventures and people they both met!
         Now, it is time for us to do yet another adventure.  This time, it will be with Hoku.  Hoku, our little buddy, will be on a "holoholo" adventure with YOU and your 'Ohana!  This will be the first time that I will be doing this with a 4th grade class!  I am very excited and I'm looking forward to all the wonderful journeys Hoku will take!  I look forward to all the pictures and drawings as well!  We will have a special drawing of a name to see who goes first!  But don' worry, you will all have a chance to take Hoku home for a visit.  Hoku will, however, be with Mrs. Wong during vacations and intersessions.  It is very important that we all malama Hoku and her adventure book and bag.
Meet Hoku....our Adventure writing project!
Mahalo for participating!   Mrs. Wong

This is the one and only,
This is Makana Bear.  She started it all!  She is home now,
but she still goes on a lot of adventures with my 'Ohana.
She is sure excited for Hoku to start her adventure with you!


  1. Take Hoku on our field trips in the future.

  2. I would take Hoku to my bedroom and sleep with Hoku.

  3. Mason Evans....I would take Hoku to my Scouts activity

  4. I would take the hoku to my house and show all my alijah

  5. i would take hoku to my bed

  6. I would love to take hoku to my bed with my stuff dogs my new animals

  7. I wish I could take Hoku for a walk to the park.

  8. I wish I could take hoku home.

  9. I would like to take Hoku to my bedroom and sleep with Hoku.

  10. I got hoku she is so preshis I love her to be in house

  11. I would take hoku to my hula practice and put her in my bag .also show every thing in my halou .

  12. i took hoku home and then i took her to the beach, And then we went to my house then we got to my house and we went to the parade i did not write it in the book because it shows my friends

