Monday, February 16, 2015

Traffic Safety Campaign--2015

STOP if you Love me Traffic Safety Campaign

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana,
Did you enjoy our week long activities of our traffic safety campaign?  I sure did!  I learned a lot too!  Our guest speaker, also known as "Brother Thomas" really made me think and evaluate myself as a driver!  Now, thanks to him, I am a focused driver, and I have since turned down my iPod volume, and really started to take notice of the many "unsafe" things other drivers do!  For example, I've witnessed 3 people in the past two days using their cell phones (1 was texting, the other 2 were talking to someone) while in the driver's seat!  I hope they will realize that what they're doing is just wrong!  Anyway....I hope you have been reminding your parents about driving safe?  Have you been a safe passenger as well?  Remember, the less distractions, the safer the drive will be!

For this Blog assignment, I'd like you to think about what Brother Thomas said in his motivational speech.  He said that we should all be the BEST PERSON we can BE!  In a few sentences, please tell me what you will do to be that person!  Explain in the comment section below.

Mahalo and Aloha,
Mrs. Wong


  1. The best person I would be is to make another person feel happy when they feel sad.

  2. The way that I can be the BEST PERSON is by:
    1. not argue with others in the car so it doesn't distract the driver and,
    2. reminding my parents to not talk or text while driving.

  3. The best way I can keep us safe is by not distracting my parents while they are driving. Another way is to remind my parents to buckle up.

  4. samantha mistuhashiMonday, February 23, 2015

    the way I can be the best person is by listening to the person that is speaking
    and making everyone happy

  5. Margrett BalitaanMonday, February 23, 2015

    one way I can be the best person I can be is by helping others

  6. the best person that I could be is to remind my mommy and daddy to not text or call on their phone while driving.

  7. the best way I could disstrak my parents is by yelling and asking for there phone.

    1. Cowboy, I think you misunderstood the question. Please reply again.
      I'm asking how can you be the BEST person you can be?
      Mrs. Wong

  8. i could be the best person by not telling my parents to turn around and answer my questions.

  9. I will be the best person I can by helping my community

  10. one way I can be the best person I can be is to remind my parents not to text or talk on the cell phone while driving so that they can keep their eyes on the road

  11. one way that I can be the best person I can be is taking care of my pets and other animals

  12. to be the best person is to be yourself and have fun. I always be yourself;.

  13. to be the best person I will recycle trash and save water in all places

  14. the best person i can be is by recycleing

  15. I make sure my Daddy doesn't pick up his iPhone in the car. This is a big change for him and he asked me for my help: to remind him every time he forgets. He also agreed that I get to spank him once every time he forgets (not while he's driving, when we get home). My Daddy is doing this because he feels guilty for setting a bad example and because he loves me. He read the pledge and thought it was so well written, he posted it on his Facebook page and invited everyone to join in and share the pledge.

  16. the best person i can be by cleaning up my rubbish when new year over i can clean up the pop pops

  17. being the best person is to be nice to people

  18. BRYANT LUIS LACANILAOMonday, May 04, 2015

    Being very very long loving person.
