Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Fun Run 2015!

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana,

            What a way to END the quarter and BEGIN Spring Break!  Yes, it was the annual PTA sponsored Fun Run!  It was great to see everyone having fun, while getting a "workout" in!  Students, parents, and teachers were able to check off exercise on their "To Do" list last Friday!  By the time 11:45 came along, everyone was literally ready for LUNCH and ready for a NAP!  No, just kidding....we were all POWERED UP for Spring Break!  Yay!  Thanks to PTA President, Mrs. Wilson, her hard-working PTA crew, all the Parent / Community VOLUNTEERS, Mrs. Wilson's family who is visiting from Missouri, and staff members of Scott School, the FUN RUN was a success once more!  Here are some pictures I got to take as I tried to join in on some of the fun myself!  Mahalo to Room 28's parent volunteers and students for making Friday a GREAT Day!
                                                                            Mahalo Nui Loa,
                                                                              Mrs. Wong

Mahalo to Parents who came out to support
their child(ten) and the Fun Run! Thank you,
Mr. Nocon, and Mrs. Shiau (not pictured)
for showing your support!  
Mahalo Parent Volunteers!  Thank you,
Mrs. Deal, Mr. Gantan, and Mrs. Lacanilao
for taking care of filling up those water cups!
Also for helping to set up, take down, and support
the students, teachers, and PTA!
Bryant's sister helped out too! Thank U! 

Doing running laps around the upper-field
was a whole day's worth of cardio! 
Victoria can show us all how to SHAKE our hips,
while Denzel gives her some competition!  Way
to ROCK it on them HOOPS! 

Mason and Ju-Won show off their jumping
skills! Awesome moves!
The relay races were awesome!  There were
relays that were very challenging!  Even getting
down to do a "bear" crawl!  Yikes!!!
Bryant getting some sister-support!
Way to go! 
Maurice and Ms. Jennifer Kickin' up
their heels at the dancing station!

Kobe, Hugo, Parker, & Jaspher showing us
their dance moves...the Nay-nay! We did
the Running Man, the Drop, and even
the Whip!  Gotta keep up with these dance moves!

Grace, Joanna, James, and Chanell showed
us all a move or two!  Dancing to
T. Swift's "Shake It Off!"  

Ahhhh.......at the end, the students got to
COOL down with some yummy Ice Pops
and Rice Krispie Treats! Mahlao PTA!
The Shiau brothers take a break after a very
successful Fun Run! 

Holoholo with Hoku Continues...

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana,

          Mahalo Nui Loa for taking the time to continue Hoku's Adventures around the island!  We are up to Adventure #46 with Hoku!  She has been very busy getting to visit with you and your 'Ohana!  Hoku especially likes going "holoholo" around the island with you!  This Spring break, I took Hoku home with me so that I could wash her and her bag, and take her "holoholo" with me as well!  We  will share our adventures with you all when we get back to school on the 23rd of March!  Till then, enjoy your break...have fun outdoors, read daily, and enjoy your family and friends!
                                                                Mrs. Wong (and Hoku) ;-)
Adventure #45!  After Tehani and her family picked up her dad's
Volkswagon Van, they decided to stop for dinner at "Fresh Catch."
Hoku enjoyed her time with Tehani and her 'Ohana!

Waiting patiently for dinner at "Fresh Catch," restaurant out in
Waialae, 'Oahu.  Tehani, Hoku, and Tehani's 'Ohana enjoyed
eating salmon, rice, spicy ahi, and pastele......YUMMY!!!!

We are trying to see if Hoku (held by Denzel, standing up center) will
be able to get onto Hokule`a or Hikianalia.  We are sending this picture
along with some letters written by the students. Good luck Hoku!
(Mrs. Wong is still waiting on the Crew's response)

On a recent Adventure with Hoku...to Diamond Head Crater
 and to Waiola Shave Ice (just down the road) for a
yummy, refreshing treat after the long HOT hike!  

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Bike Ed with Hawaii Bicycling League (HBL) & The City and County of Honolulu!

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana,

          It sure was a SAFETY themed month of February! First it was the STOP if you Love me driving safe campaign, then it was the yearly Bike Education safety week for our 4th graders!  First we had Mr. Mike and Mr. Jerry come into the classrooms to teach us about bicycle safety gear and the 6 point safety check!  Days 2, 3, 4, and 5 were all spent outdoors on the basketball court, playground, parking lot, and nearby Aiea neighborhood.  We had some beginner riders on the first day, but by day 5, they were ALL riding!  Congratulations to everyone for making Bike Ed. a HUGE success!
          Students, please click on the comment icon below to add your response to these 2 questions.
1.  What did you LEARN while participating in Bike Education? (explain with details/examples)
2.  What was your FAVORITE part of Bike Ed., and WHY?
                Have a fun and safe Spring Break!  Don't forget to wear a HELMET when you ride
                     your bike!  Enjoy the beautiful weather!  Aloha, Mrs. Wong

Mr. Mike, from HBL, explaining the 6 point-safety checks
before riding a bike!
Looks like Brooke is all set to ride SAFELY!  Helmet,  proper shoes,
bright or light colored clothing, shorts, and a smile!  

Adriana helps Mr. Jerry to write down the 6 point
safety checks we should remember to perform
when we ride our bikes in the next few days of Bike Ed.!
Even Hoku (being held by Ju-Won), had a chance to learn
about bicycle safety!

Students performing the 6-point safety checks on their bikes!
Good listening! Great job!

Ju-Won is ready to roll...

Attentive Listening taking place during Mr. Mike's lesson on
doing a check-point and looking over your right shoulder!

First Blossoms!

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana!

          It isn't even SPRING, yet our Kou Trees that we planted in August has given us a beautiful    
gift (makana) of nature!  We couldn't believe it!  The students counted 3 orange blossoms!  It sure was exciting to learn about this!  The students helped to "malama" (take care) the 'aina (land) by
planting 2 kou trees.  This event was captured in the parent bulletin at the beginning of the school year, and it has also made it to the Polynesian Voyaging Society's plant a tree campaign.  It's so exciting to contribute our kou trees as part of a million trees planted by the end of the Hokule`a and Hikianalia's voyage!  We will definitely continue to watch it's growth and hope that our trees will thrive!  Continue to Malama Honua!
                                                                              Mahalo, Mrs. Wong
Rian, Tina, and Kobe measure the growth of the
trees, count the number of leaves, and make
observations to it's trunk and stems.  

Wow!  Beautiful orange blossoms are
discovered on one of the two
kou trees that the students planted!

Helping Our Reading Buddies!

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana!

In February, we got to help our 1st grade Reading Buddies welcome in the NEW Lunar Year!  We helped them create their Chinese New Year Lion "puppet."  It was a fun activity learning about the traits of a lion, while using math to create patterns on their body.  Thank you, 4th graders for taking care of your reading buddies.....Malama Kekahi I Kekahi!  That's the Spirit!

                                                                             Mrs. Wong
Adriana and her reading buddy are all set to scare
off the evil spirits with their Chinese Lion! "Roar!" 

Victoria and Chanell, with their reading buddies!
What a creative way to welcome in
the Year of the Lamb! Kung Hee Fat Choy!