Saturday, March 14, 2015

First Blossoms!

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana!

          It isn't even SPRING, yet our Kou Trees that we planted in August has given us a beautiful    
gift (makana) of nature!  We couldn't believe it!  The students counted 3 orange blossoms!  It sure was exciting to learn about this!  The students helped to "malama" (take care) the 'aina (land) by
planting 2 kou trees.  This event was captured in the parent bulletin at the beginning of the school year, and it has also made it to the Polynesian Voyaging Society's plant a tree campaign.  It's so exciting to contribute our kou trees as part of a million trees planted by the end of the Hokule`a and Hikianalia's voyage!  We will definitely continue to watch it's growth and hope that our trees will thrive!  Continue to Malama Honua!
                                                                              Mahalo, Mrs. Wong
Rian, Tina, and Kobe measure the growth of the
trees, count the number of leaves, and make
observations to it's trunk and stems.  

Wow!  Beautiful orange blossoms are
discovered on one of the two
kou trees that the students planted!

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