Tuesday, November 24, 2015


ALOHA Room 28 `Ohana!
       It's been a while since I last posted a Blog....I am sorry about that!  Too many assessments and lots of work to do!  Thank you for your patience!
       It's that time of year once again, where we all should be thinking of others.  We often get so busy and caught up in our daily routines, that we often forget to say "THANK YOU" to those who do so many things for us.  Let's try to make it a habit of saying Thank you, Aloha, and Mahalo not just during this time of the year, but EVERYDAY!
       I am truly THANKFUL for all of you!  You make me SMILE each time I come to work!  You make me laugh out loud and allow me to just be myself (making mistakes and all!).  I am grateful for your hugs, your stories, your suggestions, and your SMILE!  Thank YOU all for making my year a memorable one so far!  Please enjoy Thanksgiving with your `Ohana!  I know I will!
                                                                         Much Aloha and Mahalo,
                                                                         Mrs. Wong :-)

Blog assignment:
      Please comment and tell me what you are thankful for.  Also, tell what you enjoy most about READING BUDDIES...        Mahalo!

Having FUN with Reading Buddies...

Grade 1--Mrs. Kosaki's class...Landon and his Reading buddies--
Kiara and Leah, help him complete his Halloween treat bag.

Noah and Cavan help their Reading Buddies glue on their
Halloween images to make their bag unique! 

Here is Brennen and Caleb with their Buddy...enjoying time
to get to know each other better while having fun learning and working! 


  1. I am thankful that I have a reading budie and I enjoy is that I read to my reading budie,.

  2. I look sick in my fedora!!!!!!!!!!!!!!also I am thankful for having a reading buddy and for that reading buddy to have me

  3. I am thankful for my reading buddy because she always does great and pretty work.

  4. I am thankful for all my friends and family.The day i should be more thankful for then anything is the day i was born.I like my reading buddy Celyne because she does awesome work and is really nice.

  5. I am thankful for having a reading buddy because he is cool also I brought my fedora because I don't like my haircut -.- -Koakai

  6. Thank you for being my reading buddy Chazz! Thank you for the scary haunted house you let us color in and the turkey you let us cut and color in. That was awesome!

  7. Wow! Everybody's reading buddy sounds awesome! :)

  8. I am thankful for my family and everyone in this class. You too Mrs.Wong!<3 I liked doing the word search with my reading buddy and Brennen. KOAKAI stop doing comments like that.You have not even been in any pictures with a fedora!!!D:

  9. I am thankful for being alive this 9 years to be with my awesome family, school, friends, and teachers. My opinion is that the best part about reading buddies is of the teamwork. I LOVE to work with other students, thats why i LOVE reading buddies.

  10. Replies
    1. What exactly are you laughing about?
