Monday, February 1, 2016

More Spirit Week Pictures!

Aloha Everyone!  Here are more pictures to enjoy...
Twin Day with Luke and Patrick!
Showing lots of School Spirit!
Wacky Wednesday sure lived up to its name!  It sure was
wild and wacky in room 28!  Look at those wacky
hair-dos, shades, makeup, and clothing too! 
Still being as Wacky as ever...
Future College Students...

What College will you be

Chaminade, UH, even NC was represented!

Brennen, Caleb, Kaitlynn, and Hailey dressed as
a TWIN with their sibling!  How cute...
Logan points out his TWIN that sits
upon his finger!  He's so creative! :-)
Richlynn and Kiara dress up
as Twins with a Smile!
Is that Seanna and Danaya? or Danaya
and Seanna?  I can't tell??? They look alike! 
Princess and her brother, Andrew
dress alike on TWIN day! 
Jadelyn and Shilee sure look like TWINS!
Yup! They're TWINS alright! :-)
Madisen and Amaijah planned to
dress alike on TWIN day Tuesday!


  1. I am so happy that most of the students in class participated in this week. Ahhh I can see them all... sports players,twins,kids on the wacky side,(hopefully not wacky for the rest of the year)future college students,and school lovers.
    P.S. Who was that totally wacky boy.

    1. Hey Caleb I know who the wacky boy was it was you. P.S did you forget?

    2. z(>-<)/ YEA!!

  2. My favorite day was wacky wednesday because every body was more wack than me.I really liked how most of the people participated on all the days.LET'S DO SPIRIT WEEK AGAIN!:] XD :D :}!

  3. I supported in all of spirit week!! It was fun!!

  4. my favorite day was twin day because me and my brother were twins XD

  5. my favorite day was wacky Wednesday because it was funny and i like how everyone well mostly participated to show spirit. WE GOT SPIRIT YES WE DO WE GOT SPIRIT HOW ABOUT YOU!!!!!!!
