Monday, January 16, 2017

Making A Difference Begins With YOU

January 17, 2017

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana,
     Welcome to our Classroom Blog for the 2016-17 school year!  Thank you for getting permission to participate in our "Room 28 'Ohana Blog."  
     Yesterday we had a special holiday honoring the works, beliefs, and values of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  Dr. King was a Baptist Minister and a Civi Rights Activist.  He was well-known for his leadership in the Civil Rights Movement and the Peace Movement.  He was also famous for the speech "I Have A Dream,"  he delivered on August 28, 1963, at the Lincoln Memorial, in Washington D.C. 
     In the comment section below, I would like you to read and think about the quote written below on Dr. King Jr.'s poster (navy blue background).  In your comment:  First, write your own opinion as to what you believe or think this quote means?  Secondly,  I would like you to tell me and your classmates how you have made a DIFFERENCE  or  How do you plan to make a difference in the nearest future?  
     Please write your comment using complete sentences.  Please check your grammar, spelling, capitalizations, and punctuation before submitting.  Mahalo! :) 

Due Date:  Tuesday,  January 24, 2017

Dr. King Jr. embodied the phrase, "Making A Difference."
Here is a famous Quote written my him.

Dr. King Jr.'s famous speech that continues to make
an IMPACT around the WORLD.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Mrs. Ninomoto for "testing" to confirm that the comment section DOES work!

  2. I think it means make the world great but be humble.
    I am making a difference by being humble.

    1. I like the way you thought about it Jacob.

    2. that was a good speech=>

  3. i think the poster means that great power does not give you famous it gives you greatness.i will change the future by picking up trash that i see and not be a litter bug.

    1. Good idea for picking up trash to make a difference.

    2. i liked yours because you are taking care of the world and animals by not littering

  4. I think it means that not everyone can be famous, but anyone can have greatness by having service. I have made a difference while playing outside with my friends when we were having unfair teams so I said "All the older kids versus the younger kids isn't fair," so we made the teams fair and everyone had a good time.

  5. i think the quote means to treat others the way you want to be treated because Dr.king want people to be treated equally

    i made a difference by helping others when they need help in class work or making them feel better when they are hurt

    1. I like your answer on helping others with classwork or when they get hurt.

    2. Khayla, thanks for your opinion on the 2nd poster. The question actually asks what do you think of the quote stated on the first (navy blue background poster) "Everyone has the power for greatness..." Your opinion is based on the 2nd poster.

  6. I think the quote is that everyone is created differently and equally.And I plan to make a diffrence to get a better a better looking report card and passcard.

  7. The poster means in my own opinion everyone is greatness but not to be famous. I would change the world by to clean the water animals wont die

    1. Good job with the quote question.

  8. Now that I read the quote I see how powerful he was to make a difference about your skin it is about caring for each other.

    I plan to make a difference by helping others not bullying.

  9. I think it means if you work hard you will earn greatness but not fame. I have made a difference by recycling.

  10. The quote means like you having the power of greatness and not the power for fame.I am making a difference by having a power of greatness and not for fame.

    1. Mariano, can you be more specific on what you did or are doing to make a difference? What do you mean by having a power of greatness?

  11. I think it means make the world great and not the power for fame I am making a difference by having the power of greatness

    1. Kaimi, please explain your power of greatness? What specific action are you doing to make a difference?

    2. Kaimi, please explain your power of greatness? What specific action are you doing to make a difference?

  12. My opinion would be that everyone is treated fairly.That no one gets put down for the color of there skin.In the future I plan to make our environment a better place to live in.

  13. I think it means great power does not give you fame you service and greatness.I plan to pick up trash and not litter every time

  14. Nikolas
    Service can mean joining the military and protecting our country and families. I think that's greatness. I'm going to school so one day I can join the Navy.

  15. Aloha Students! Thank you to those of you who completed your first BLOG task. Some of you did not read carefully and gave your opinion on the wrong quote. The question said to state your opinion on the FIRST poster with the navy blue background. I also showed it to you in class and explained it to all of you. I hope you all will continue to be humble and kind to others. I hope you will live out the works and quotes of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We can all learn a LOT from him. Continue to be of good service to your family, friends, teachers, school, community, state, and country. Making a DIFFERENCE begins in YOU! It begins in ALL of us! Much Aloha...

  16. I think the poster means that to have power is not to have fame it is to have greatness.I can change for the future by helping others when they need it.

  17. I think Dr. Martin was trying to say that to be well known is one thing but being well known because of a person doing good not a bad deed .I can make a difference by when my mom is getting frustrated because of me try not to give her a harder time but that is something I need to work on.

    1. Do not use the Reply as: Anonymous; Use Name/URL, like I showed you in class. Whoever did this must let me know so you can get credit for it by the end of the quarter? Mahalo.

  18. I think power and greatness is to take care of the world and the important is to pick up trash from the ground.
    I can make a difference by keeping my environment clean.
