Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Reflections of Social Studies...

Aloha Boys and Girls,

I had a wonderful year with you as my Social Studies and Art students.  Please spend some time to reflect on your year.  What did you enjoy about social studies and art?  What did you learn?
How could you apply it in 5th grade? How could you use what you learned to apply it in your life?

Mahalo Nui Loa....... A Hui Hou!

Much Aloha,
Mrs. Wong

PS:  I won't be in room 28 next year.....I'll be a 2nd grade teacher in Room please come and visit me sometimes  :)


  1. My favorite part of social studies and art was spending time with Mrs.Wong and doing it,I learned new art and Ali'i and a lot more. I will use art in 5th grade in case if we do art. If anyone is reading this,I hope you have a good 4th grade and plus 5th grade too

    1. Hi Kimiyo! You will definitely have Art in 5th grade! I hope you will use the different techniques we used this year and remember to also use your complementary colors :) Enjoy your summer and good luck in 5th grade!

  2. Dear Ms.Wong, I didn't get good grades on S.S. tests, but I love using the instruments.

    1. Aloha Kyle,
      Sorry to hear that you didn't get good grades in SS. Why do you think that is so? How can you improve on your SS grades next year? Reflect on that...
      Good luck in 5th grade!

  3. My favorite part about social studies was learning about Pele. I think she is very creative. I love social studies. I will use this if I become a teacher when I grow up. Thank you so much!

    1. Hi Madi,
      Yes, I agree, Pele is my favorite Hawaiian Goddess to read and learn about. She is very powerful and very interesting! I enjoy dancing hula about her and chanting about her too! Mahalo for being an attentive student! Aloha.

  4. I enjoyed pop art because I had fun drawing the Ying and Yang. I also enjoyed and learned about the 'Ohana Values. I also liked planting the kalo. I liked playing the puili sticks in hula. I also liked the uli uli. I will use what I learned in social studies and art in 5th grade.

  5. In social studies and art my favorite thing was tear art because i expressed some of my feelings in a creative way. One thing I learned was what jobs they had back than. This will help me in the future with other social study test.thank you sooooooo much!

  6. my favorite it about is we are create.i learn hawaiian stuff and hawaii art. lots suppiles and backpack,water bottle,lauch bag,and a big binder. use it wisele. p.s i will be seeing you :)

  7. my favorite thing about social studies is learning about the ali'i

  8. My fav. part in S.S. is when we played instruments. The Ipu is my favorite instrument from the others.

  9. hi i will miss you and il never forget what a good techer you are i loved all the feiald trips that you made us my fave was art it help me expres my self it was fun i hope u have a good time good luck ms.wong

  10. My favorite thing was to do projects and assessment's. I learned about Pele,Complementary colors, how old Hawaiins survied and what they played as insruments. i will use compelementary colors when i go to 5th grade. When you want to be a archelogogist or an artist.

  11. Emilio The GreatWednesday, May 10, 2017

    Hey Mr.s Wong you have taught me so many things from art-social studies like that people teared paper to make art and that there are different parts of where hawaiians lived and of course I will visit you!:[ & ;]

  12. Mrs.Wong-Thank you for teaching me about social studies. Here are some of my favorite parts. One was when we went to Bishop museum. The last was when we learned about tear art and made a masterpiece. Thank you Mrs.Wong I really appreciate it.

  13. My favorite thing about S.S.A was that I learned new things that I didn't learn in my old school.I learned how to properly use instruments and how to express my feelings through my art.If I'm doing art again in 5th Gr. I will use the skills I learned that I did in 4th Gr.I will use what I learned with my S.S.A that if I have trouble with anything that includes history I can always count on what I learned in 4th Gr.

  14. My favorite par of art was when we were panting and the tear art i wanted make a steam train witch is my aunty and me a little cart.

  15. Dear Ms.Wong My favorite Is art i love to draw.I did not know how to play and i knew know that hawaii people play instruments in the old hawaii Thank you Ms.Wong

  16. Dear Mrs.Wong,I have been puzzled about this island culture and you taught me all about it.I want to say thank you !

  17. My favorite
    assignment is the tear art,the painting and technically every thing you taught me.
    I enjoyed chanting and doing hula.

    1. Aloha Leacy,
      Mahalo for your comments. I enjoyed being your teacher in social studies and art! Have a wonderful summer!
      Mrs. Wong

  18. Dear Mrs.Wong, Two things I learned at art and social studies. I can use when I grow up until is free art because I can draw better things when I grow up.Next thing I learned in social studies is I learned about Ahu'puaa.Thank You!

  19. I loved every art project and every social studies project thank you so much for being such a great teacher and such a nice teacher you are one of the best I hope I will see you again.

    1. dexter the allstarThursday, May 11, 2017

      thankyou for teaching us. i had a really fun and exciting time.i learned alot than you.

  20. My favorite thing on social studies/art is saying the chant because all of my classmates said it an it was like we were all united and nothing can break us apart.I learned about Pele she was a lava goddess and Mrs.Wong read us stories that me and my classmates loved (only some loved it) but i will always rember the stories second i learned about hawaiin weapons it kinda was fun to learn about it but i'm happy i did because i might need to talk about that someday in my life.

  21. Thank you Mrs. Wong for being a great teacher. My favorite art project was the tear art. My S.S one is pretty much everything because I love the culture Hawaiian. hope you have a good time in second grade.

  22. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!

  23. i loved every art project and every social studies project.You were my first hawwain teacher in this school i hope i have chance to your new room.

  24. Dear Mrs.Wong, two things i learned in art and social studies.First in art i learned how to draw nicer and i know that i can use that when i grow up.Next thing is what i learned in social studies one is i learned more about my culture and how to say some of the stuff. Hope you have a good summer and hope you have great student in second grade i will miss you and will visit you sometime and i loved every art and social studies we did even if it was hard

  25. My favorite thing in art is the tear art. I like the tear art because you can mix and match colors. We made it by thinking of something to make and find diffrent colors and try to make it without glue and then when you make the desighn you want and it looks nice glue it all and your done. That can cause you to be as creative as you want. My favorite thing in s.s was the kapa because you could make it your own patterns. what we did was we cut a paper bag in way that would make it look like it's paper and then keep crumbling it until its sofe then cut out shapes on the foam that can stick and stick it to a pop cicle sticks and paint on the shapes and then stamp it on you bag and that's all. That could also make you come up with a lot of creative desighns. But over all I loved spending time with mrs.Wong <3

  26. my favorit part of your class is art.I will us this in my future because I will become an artist.

  27. My favorite thing in art and social studies is
    everything in s.s and the name art worksheet because I liked that worksheet with a family name on it.Also that name I put there is very special to me so that's why I like the art name worksheet.All the social studies is my favorite because I learned a lot from it and now I know what they did and weared those years and who the gods were.Thank you for teaching me these things and you are a great teacher.

  28. my favorite class in here was art. i liked when we made that four drawing.My favorite part in social studies was when we used the instruments. I hope you like the second graders.

  29. Dear Ms.Wong, Thank you for teaching me things that I did not learn like the first people that cam here.

  30. thank you so much for teaching me that i did not know

  31. what of like was art the tear art.and i liked the kapa.

  32. Dear Ms.Wong,
    I learned a lot from you this year.I learned many things in S.S.I also enjoyed art.

  33. My favorit thing was was everything except test.I learnd that thir were three social groups.I will use the grops like to tell me not to judge a person by their look thats how Isee the groups.I will try to use the art techniques for the fun run t-sirt.

  34. TUA THE BEST QBThursday, May 11, 2017

    Thank you so much for teaching us S.S thank you.I hope you have fun at 2 grade thank you so much

  35. I enjoyed doing art such as the kapa cloth and painting and the tear art. I enjoyed social studies because I like learning about what the old hawaiians did in the olden days.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. What i liked in S.S was the kapa because it was fun to make and paint it.What i liked in art was the tear art because i liked to see the nice colors when we finished painting .Good luck in teaching 2nd grade .At least you still have veggie-U. I will use these things in 5th grade to help me

  38. Thank you Ms.Wong for teaching us S.S and art it was very fun with you.Hope in enjoy 2 grade next year.

  39. What I liked this year was when we did the firework art and I liked when we read about Pele.I learned the complementary colors.I can apply it in 5th by being creative and just coloring any thing that comes in my head like a memory.I can use my memory's to colors and make cool things.

  40. I loved the mothers day project in art.In social studies I learned a lot about Hawaii.

  41. I learned that when the chiefs want war they have to plan it because if they just suprize attack that means that you are no t being respectful to the gods because you are killing its people by attacking. the better you do on your art the more comments you get.thank,you mrs Wong

  42. I had an awesome 1/3 of an year with you! I loved art, I learned about different types of art, including tear art and kappa cloth. I had a lot of fun learning about Hawaii!

  43. I liked doing the tear art becuase it let me express what I love: Shrimp. I liked doing the tests in social studies. They help me test my skills in S.S.

  44. hi mrs wong for the 15 words homework do we haft to color
