Thursday, February 1, 2018

Welcome Room 8 'Ohana!

Aloha Students!

If you are on the Room 8 'Ohana Classroom Blog, you got permission from your parents to post comments and have your work or picture posted.  From time to time, I will be posting an assignment for you to comment on.  Similar to Google Classroom.  You will have about a week to reply with a comment, but you need to follow strict directions when posting a comment.

First, this is a public Bog, so your classmates and their parents are able to access it.  I will monitor the postings from my email and I can DELETE and block users from using the blog if they choose to use it inappropriately.  That means you must have permission to post a comment and your comment must be appropriate and on subject.  I do NOT allow you to use the Blog as a tool to communicate to others as if it was an email.

Secondly, please check your spelling and grammar the BEST you can.  Always think of your TRIBE Agreements as you post your comments.  Show respect, give appreciations, no put-downs, communicate effectively, and use technology effectively and ethically.

Finally, be thoughtful with your comments.  You must use complete sentences, not just a word or phrase.  Answer the question(s) using details and examples.  Enjoy the Blog!  Mahalo, Mrs. Wong

QUESTION:  Being that this is a NEW YEAR, what is your GOAL (resolution) that you will try to achieve this year?  *Hint:  Remember what you wrote on your Scholastic assignment recently? 


  1. My New Year's goal or resolution is to be more organized with my work. I will try my best to keep my book bag and backpack organized and clean.

  2. My new years goal is to ride a skateboard.

  3. MY New Year goal or resolution is to keep my desk clean and get better at typing

  4. My new yearÅ› goal is to get better at reading and math.

  5. My NEW YEAR,goal is to do great at Kidbizz and do %100.

  6. my new years goal is to get more better at playing my game called injutice gods amung us

  7. My new year resolution is to be kinder to my sister. I will try
    to have a cleaner room.

  8. My goal is to do all my homework

  9. My new years goal or resoluton is to clean up my toys without my mom telling me to clean and do my homework with out my mom and dad telling me to do it.

  10. My new years goal is math and reading

  11. My new year goal is to be organized

  12. My new years goal is to get better at reading and math
