Friday, February 23, 2018

TASTE the Rainbow...

Aloha Room 8 'Ohana!

In mathematics, we are currently learning different strategies to add and subtract using a number line and also knowing our fact families.  In the NEXT up-coming module, we will be looking at graphs and knowing how to "read" and "get information" from a graph.  This is called data analysis.  In a recent math lesson, I decided to use a bit of Scientific Inquiry and Mathematics to have them generate a graph that could also be "enjoyed" only after they comprehended and analyzed the data!  Please enjoy the learning represented in our photo gallery...
                                                                                         Mrs. Wong ;-)

The difference between our prediction and actual counts
varied amongst all students.  A few students predicted accurately!
Sorting the different colors in the package of Skittles
sure helped to find the total quickly!

It sure was hard to NOT eat the DATA while gathering information to report! 

Students predicted the right colors that were going to be included in their package of Skittles! 

"Hmmm.....maybe if I took just ONE green Skittle away that wouldn't hurt my
data?.......Nah, I better not!  Mrs. Wong may be watching!"  :) 

"I just need one more data finding to report and then I can finally TASTE the RAINBOW!"

Working together made learning lots of fun!  We helped each other  by confirming
our counting and analyzing our colorful data!  I think we're ready for Module 6 Mrs. Wong!

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