Monday, March 19, 2018

Junior Achievement Learning

Aloha Room 8 'Ohana!

Sadly, our Junior Achievement segment has come to an end.  I hope you all learned a LOT about different things that deals with Economics and Government.  We sure learned a lot of new words and reviewed topics that were already discussed in career and technology class. 

In Ms. Saydee's first visit, we did a lesson on community workers and the different careers and businesses found in a community.  In her second visit, we reviewed the difference between Goods and Services, and learned more about our Wants and Needs.  We also got to work in our own Donut Shop!  Remember how "TEAMWORK" really helped to make your Donut Shop business a success? What about earning money for your creations and then having the TAX-collector take some money back?  That was hard for some of you to pay the Tax-collector!  Just ask your parents.....they can empathize with you!  Of course, I remember how much you all enjoyed the donuts you "created" and "ate" as a reward  (at the end of the lesson) for doing such a great job as Donut Entrepreneurs!  Finally, on the last visit, Ms. Saydee's lesson dealt with money movement.  She shared a rap song with us to show us how money moved within the banks and businesses within a community.  She also shared about voting and gave you a ballot to choose which task would benefit our school the best? 

I hope this segment of Social Studies was a great learning experience for all of you?  In your Blog Question, I want you to respond to this question.  Please post a comment on:

1.  Describe something that you learned in Junior Achievement (JA).  Explain how you can apply what you've learned to your own life?  

Happy Spring Break! I'll see you on March 27!
Mrs. Wong
Learning about different community helpers
What career would you choose?

Wow!  We got a lot of matching careers that Ms. Saydee mentioned!

What is a Community? 
Making donuts sure takes a lot of hard work!

YaY! Donuts as a reward for working so hard!
What is the difference between a want and a need?
Here's our ballot! We Voted! 

Let's see how many matching cards we can find!


  1. What i learned in junior achievement is bill's citizens taxes jobs and when i grow up i can earn money and pay my taxes

  2. I learned to work as a team. When I grow up, I will pay for my clothes & food. - Nathaniel M.

  3. what I learned was you need to work as a team. when I grow up I will use teamwork to make my job easier.
