Thursday, March 29, 2018

A visit to the Hawaii Nature Center

Aloha Room 8 'Ohana:

     On our recent trip to the Hawaii Nature Center, our 2nd graders got to experience an adventure in NATURE!  They started the day off with an orientation presented by Ms. Kalei.  She questioned them about the different cycles in nature.  She had the students explain each cycle (gas, water, plant life, animal life, and nutrients) using props to help them decided. 

     Our adventure started off down by the Makiki Stream.  The students were able to do some net fishing.  They caught baby shrimp and fish!  It was a first experience for a lot of the students! :)
Next, we went for a hike in the valley and searched for decomposers, like worms, beetles, ants, and roly poly bugs!  NO Spiders or centipedes please?  Finally, we went on a scavenger hunt to build our class terrarium.  We collected things we found in nature, like leaves, seeds, branches, nut shells, rocks, and flowers, on our walk back to the buses. 

     It was an exciting day full of new discoveries and learning!  All in all we had a great day in nature! 


What was the most interesting thing you learned during our Nature Center Unit?  It could be something we did/talked about in class, or something that we did/talked about at the Nature Center.  
Please comment below.  Don't forget to add your FIRST name ONLY.  No last names please?

Mahalo and Aloha,
Mrs. Wong

Mileena has a steady hand and a good eye! I think
she's about to hanapa`a!  

Did you know that our Earth is mostly water?

Pick Me, Ms. Kalei!!!!
I know a lot about each cycle in nature!

Fishing down stream is a great strategy!

Kaneala caught something in the stream! Wow! 

Irae caught a baby shrimp! Good Catch Irae!

Yay!  Hiking in Nature sure is fun!

It's the Plant life cycle!  

Look what decomposer I found!

Going on a decomposer hunt! No spiders or centipedes please?

Nicole caught a baby shrimp swimming down stream! 


  1. What i learned at the hawii natur center was about decomeposers and i got to see one

  2. The most interesting thing that I learned was what we breathe out.

  3. I learned about the salt and fresh water at the Nature Center, when MR. Davis talked to us.

  4. i learned about the salt water mr davis talked about

  5. going fishing and going hunting.

  6. I learned that the food web starts of with a plant so that's why plants are very important.
