Tuesday, March 24, 2020

We're All In This Together...

Aloha Everyone!
It's been a while (2 years) since I've used this link.
I am grateful that this is one way I can reconnect with my Room 8 `Ohana, as well as my former students and their `Ohana.

Getting adjusted to the NEW Normal is going to take some time, but if we stay calm, focused, and responsible, we can get through this and move forward with new perspectives.

Please continue to check your personal email on a daily basis, as I will update you with incoming news from either my principal (Mrs. Watanabe), the D.O.E.,  and/or my Union, HSTA. 

As of now, the latest update about public schools is the closure lasting till April 30th.  This may be the date stated today, but it may change, so keep updated via trusted social media sites, press conferences, news, and/or email.

This classroom blog will specifically be used for student assignments and links.  If parents have questions regarding assignments or school, please continue to contact me via the school email address:  alena.wong@k12.hi.us

I will notify students and parents via email if there is a new assignment on the classroom blog.
Till then, take care and much Aloha to all of you!
Mrs. Wong
Smiles to last a lifetime! 
If you can BE anything...choose to BE Kind.

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