Monday, March 30, 2020

Distance Learning Day 1

Monday, March 30, 2020, 5:10pm HST.

Greetings Students!

My sincere apologies for getting my "suggested distance learning schedule" up so LATE!
If you don't get to do the specific lessons I post on this blog, or email to your parents,
don't worry....just continue to do the BASIC enrichment learning:

1.  iReady (reading and math)
2.  IXL (math concepts) *optional to do other 2nd grade items listed on IXL
3.  KidBizz3000 (1 lesson per session)
4.  Reading (use Capstone or PebbleGo)

Be sure to set a Kindness goal for the week.
I know a few of you may NOT have your kindness project file folder.  That's fine.  Simply use a piece of folder paper, printer paper, or a composition book, to jot down a kindness goal you will work on this week.  If you need suggestions, ask me, or ask your parents!  Then on Friday, you will reflect on your goal.  I will have the reflection questions posted for you to reflect on.

Have a great evening and sleep well!
See you tomorrow! (virtually)😉

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