Monday, September 7, 2020

Week 4, Distance Learning (DL)--September 7--11, 2020

 🌺  Good Morning Room 8 `Ohana! 

Growth Mindset of the Week:  "My Goal is Progress, NOT Perfection."
Theme this week:  MASK Mania! Come to G.Meet wearing your favorite 😷 Mask!

We start the week off with the Labor Day Holiday. 

This TUESDAY, we will begin our Guidance Sessions with Mr. Brad Kusunoki, School Counselor.  He has his weekly grade 2 sessions with room 8 at 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. each Tuesday for 4 weeks in a row.  The counseling program this year is called, "Choose Love."  Mr. Kusunoki will work with the students  in room 8, to complete this program by the end of 1st quarter.  *Don't forget to JOIN Mr. K's Google Classroom! (Check your Email, students!) 

Remember to work on BOTH Acellus and iReady lessons.  A few of you are forgetting to log into iReady each week and are behind with your lessons.  Please do iReady reading and math for 15  minutes each, with a break between the subjects.  This has been stated on our class' schedule.  

Students, check your Email on a DAILY basis, for reminders and assignments.  One student said she checks it on Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons, just so that she is ready on Monday morning, or the next school day!  This is being a self-directed learner, preparing herself for future grades!  Find a system that will work for you! 

Parents, thank you for learning alongside your student as well!  Some of you have commented that you are now in the know of using "Google" (Gmail, G.Meet, and G.Classroom!) Wow!!! That's so Awesome! I'm proud of you too! It's just a matter of having a growth mindset...try and try again....if Plan A doesn't work, there's always 25 more alphabets to go!  LOL

Let's have a Great week! 
Mahalo and Aloha,
Mrs. Wong😊

*PS:  2nd Grade packet pick up NEXT week, (September 14 and 15, 8am--2:30 pm; Top of the Main Steps--see Mr. Tyler.....Do NOT go to the office. ) If you can't make it on those dates/times, you need to let me know ASAP.  

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