Sunday, September 20, 2020

Week 6, DL--September 21-25, 2020

   🌺  Good Morning Room 8 `Ohana! 

Growth Mindset of the Week:  "It's okay to Not Know....It's Not okay to Not Try."
Theme this week:  We're Happy and We Know It! 💕😷

Just a FRIENDLY reminder...September 22, this TUESDAY, we will have our 3rd Guidance Session with Mr. Brad Kusunoki, School Counselor.  He has his weekly grade 2 sessions with room 8, at 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. each Tuesday for 4 weeks in a row.   

Do you remember the Choose Love Formula?  I hope you listened carefully to Mr. Kusunoki last week!  If you forgot, you can always ASK.  Never be afraid to ask Questions😍👍

Kindness Project File Folder:  Last week was our 4th Kindness task goal to complete.  You should have all 4 goal sheets and all 4 reflection sheets completed (also with your parent's comment). If you're done, kindly return this "completed" file folder to Mrs. Wong by this Friday, September 25.  Parents, please drop it off to Mr. Tyler at the top of the steps (8:00 a.m.--3:00 p.m.) 
*AFTER 3:00 p.m., please go to the office to have the clerks place it in my mailbox.
Office will close at 3:45 p.m. 

My Book of Shapes:  
Please don't forget to write your name and room number on this booklet.  If you are all done with this shape book, please kindly drop it off along with your Kindness file folder to me (via Mr. Tyler) by Friday, Sep. 25, 2020.   (see times listed in previous paragraph).

Mahalo and Aloha! 
Mrs. Wong

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