Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Book Project #1 Reflections Wanted...

Aloha Students!  
       Today was the due date for your first book project!  I was looking forward to your creative "character" puppets!  I couldn't wait to hear, and read about your character's unique traits! Now that you've completed your first book project, please reflect on your learning.  Read the questions below.  Answer the questions in your comments.  Please use complete sentences in your responses.  
1.  What was the most challenging part of your book project? (Explain why?)
2.  Did you find any common character traits between you (or someone you know) and your book's      
     character?  (Explain which trait and give one example).  
         Thank you for taking the time to REFLECT on your learning!  For the NEXT book project, don't forget to practice your presentation prior to the due date.  Some of you need to practice having more consistent eye-contact with your audience.  Some of you need to remember to project your voice so that everyone can hear you clearly.  
                                                                                                          Mrs. Wong
Meet our unique "Realistic"-fiction Characters!

Say "Cheese!"  When we BELIEVE, We all ACHIEVE!


  1. The hardest part for my book project was finding my book but at last ms. wong gave me a book. the title for that book was the one in the middle is the green kangaroo!

    1. It's Mrs.wong, with a r for Mrs. Jonathan

  2. Answer #1: The hardest part for me was talking in front of the class with my puppet. It was hard for me because I get nervous when I talk in front of a group of people.

  3. it was the puppet because i did it at 10:00 at night my traits were adventures,photographic memory,and loyal

  4. I think the most challenging part of the book project was making the puppet. It was hard collecting all the supplies. I feel i an like Judy Moody because we are both brave clever and curious. I am brave because i wanted to be the first to present. I am curious becuse i want to learn about lots of new things. I am clever becuse my mom thinks I'm funny.

  5. The most challenging part about the book project is doing the puppet. I said this because you had to get all the supplies from Mrs. Wong and from home and other places.I

  6. The hardest part was to speak in the front of the class because I was nervous,and that my puppet was very hard to move

  7. the most challenging part was doing the hair because I kept on making the hair to small and to big,and the mouth was hard also because I kept on making it to small so I asked my mom to help me

  8. I found out that me and my puppets trait is graceful because she is flexible just like me.I can do the brige.

  9. + Answer #2:One of my puppets traits was that he was irresponsible and I have a friend who is irresponsible because he doesn't do his work at school sometimes. +

  10. I created a puppet. I t was really cool. I hope we can do this again.

  11. i create a puppet and it took 1 hour and i gust hope we can do this in 5th grade (}:>

    1. I agree tristan!

    2. Tristan you spelled just wrong, you spelled it with a g, not a j

  12. The hardest part was the shirt. and am responsible like my puppet.

  13. The hardest part was talking in front of the class also it was funny at the when l open the mouth of my puppet.

    1. also me and Sara had crazy for one trait

  14. The hardest part was to do my puppet because it took me one whole night to find my equipment for my puppet, and I did on that last week Friday, and it took the whole night till 2:00am

  15. I learned that you should be patient and humble (P.S.this was from the play "Lono")
