Tuesday, December 2, 2014

We continue to Malama Honua (Take care of the Earth)

Aloha Room 28 `Ohana!
          We planted more trees to help with our Theme: Malama Honua!  This time, we got papaya trees donated to us from Jackie Hayashi (Mrs. Wong's mother-in-law).  We hope these papaya trees will thrive and provide us with nourshing, delicious fruits!  Mahalo Mrs. Hayashi! =)
         Hopefully we will get more plant donations throughout the year so we can add them to our school garden too!  Our next BIG adventure in gardening will take place in the springtime.  We will hopefully have enough plastic 2-liter bottles to do our hydroponics activity.  We need at least 1 bottle per student.  So far we have 4 bottles that were brought in.  Hopefully the email Mrs. Wong sent out to other teachers will help bring in more!
          My challenge to you and your families is to start your own gardens at home.  It doesn't have to be a BIG garden.  It could be a small garden (indoor or outdoor) that you could easily take care of.  Try it!  Take pictures and send it to me so I can post up your garden on our class blog!  Happy planting!
                                                                          Mahalo and Aloha,
                                                                          Mrs. Wong
Tribe 4 with their loving garden hands.
Tribe 1 has green thumbs!

Tribe 2 knows a thing or 2 about gardening!
Tribe 5 works together as a TEAM!

Tribe 5 has hope for us all that our papaya
trees will thrive and nourish!


  1. I will try and help nourish and grow plants because some of the plants give us food to survive.

  2. i should plant plants because it will grow our oxgen and plant popalation

  3. PLANTS clean our air to breathe

  4. I will help plants sprout because these plants can keep us alive.
