Sunday, August 16, 2015

Student Council Representatives

Aloha Room 28 `Ohana,
      Mahalo to all the boys and girls who took a "responsible risk" of wanting to become our class representatives.  Mahalo to Hailey, Erin, John, Joseph, Koakai, and Caleb.  All of you did an excellent job of creating your speech to tell the class how you would be a great representative for our class.  Unfortunately, we could only choose 2 reps.  Everyone did a fantastic job of exercising their democratic right to vote!  The results were: Caleb with the highest votes, followed by Koakai and Hailey.
      Caleb and Koakai will represent room 28 this school year, in our student council.  In the comments, what do want to see happen this school year?  You can list down activities for students to participate in, you can list down concerns that you see happening around campus that you want the student council to address.   Due date:  Monday, August 24, 2015.  (One week)

      Your comments could help Caleb and Koakai to brainstorm ideas and to address concerns that students may have.  **If you don't want your concerns to be seen by anyone, simply write down your comment on a folder paper and hand it in to me for credit.  I will then give it to Caleb and Koakai.  

                                                                       Mrs. Wong
Room 28's  Student Council Representatives.....Caleb and Koakai.
Congratulations!  Here's to a successful year! 


  1. As a class rep i hope to see a lot of less bullying, i want no bullying.I also want people to feel involved and not left out, and want people to participate in everything that they can .I do not have anything to say or complain about.I LOOK AWESOME IN TH PICTURE!!!1ST

  2. I didn't be a class rep but I didn't have the most vote but I did a excellent job in my speech

  3. I want to accomplish getting better at math and less bullying people being HAPPY and having fun playing with their friends safely and nobody getting hurt.

  4. I would also want less bullying.

  5. As a class rep I don't want any bullying.I want to have a school carnival I want kids to have fun and not get left out.=) :D

  6. I hope to see people getting along.

  7. I agree with Richie and Koakai

  8. I would not want bulling in this school because if you bully you will get kicked out and I don't want that in this AWESOME school!?!?!

  9. i wont get bully because im a nice person.

  10. I want to see in the school year hard working people , and good reps for the school.

  11. i want to see in this school year is less bulling and helpful class rep.

  12. if you bully it's very bad it does not help you on you school year, and if you cheat on your test it's bad , so I say to stop bullying.=3

  13. I'm concerned by people swearing. People should speak kindly to each other. I would want to see more choices for lunch.:D

  14. What I want to see this year is more students having fun.What I don't want to see this year is people being sad,left out and bullied.

  15. do not bully in school!

  16. I agree with Brennen because if you swear you can get in BIG trouble.

  17. im never going to bully

  18. I like our representatives... have a great school year guys and keep working hard <3

  19. And guys i agree please don't bully because i don't want anyone to get hurt and go to the office.. just make sure u don't bully okay guys? <3 :D

  20. Just listen to the school reps and our teachers.

  21. I agree with every body about NO BULLING and do not leave any of your friends behind. :D :] :O :}

    1. so guy no bulling and listen to your reps and teacher.

    2. yas listen to us (t-.-t)| |
      (-.- ) =/ =[]

  22. so guys do not bully and listen to your reps and teacher.

  23. Yup don't bully guys if you do you might get a think sheet is i think its called... Well anyway yes i agree with all of you..don't bully because its bad just listen to the school reps,teachers,and staffs...

  24. i agree with every body to not bully its like braking the law

  25. i agree with patrick

  26. I agree with all of you. Bullying is against the law. Especially spreading rumors is bullying. If you've been bullied you should know how it feels so you shouldn't cause pain to other people. -Jadelyn Sidotti- Price

  27. I agree with everyone.People should not bully.Thanks for all the support.<3 :]

  28. I agree that Caleb and Koakai should be our class reps because they both work hard. And never give up!!! :)

  29. I agree that Caleb and Koakai should be our class reps because they both work hard. And never give up!!! :)
