Thursday, August 6, 2015

Welcome to 4th Grade!

Aloha Students,
Welcome to a new school year! We are going to learn so many things and we are going to surf into an exciting school year!
      Please tell me three things you HOPE to learn in 4th grade, also what 2 things do you want to accomplish, and  finally, tell me something special about YOU!
                                                                      Mrs. Wong


  1. I hope to learn to do bigger things,bigger division questions,and bigger multipultcatoin.I would like to accomplish the sbac test,and

  2. This year I want to learn multipultcatoin, division and writing. I want to accomplish macing new frends and get an A,s on tests.

  3. The three things I hope to learn more about is fact families, division and picture graph. The two things want to accomplish is to improve my pull ups in P.E. and have all MEs on my classwork, homework and tests. Something special about me is that i love soccer and me and my family have a lowrider and are in a lowrider car club because we LOVE lowriders and love to go to lowrider shows

  4. I hope to learn more math,reading and writing.I hope to have better grades.And i make good emojis [=

  5. i hope to learn math reading and sceince. i hope to have better grades.

  6. I hope I can learn is more math and reading and better at spelling.

  7. I want to learn math and science I will get good grades also I want to learn about technolegy.

  8. I want to learn sience and ELA and math.i want to accomplished my grades and accomplished my one of a kind.

  9. 1.I hope to learn if 4th grade harder math,Do better at bike riding,and learn how to do things easier for homework.2.i want to accomplish really hard math,and tests.3.I am special because i can cup stack really fast.

  10. I want to learn different things about math,language arts,and science.I want to accomplish keeping my passcard clear and going to school on time.I'm special because I am creative. =)

    1. what a good emoji common (-/.-/)

  11. Ms. wong you are the best teacher ever .I want to set a goal I want to get better at divishon spelling I want to past the 4th grade =)

  12. Two thing I want to accomplish is my homework and spelling. What's special about me is drawing. ;]

  13. you guys are amazing and you guys are nice and I hope you guys were having fun because that looks like fun I hope I can do that soon.

  14. I hope to learn bigger and better stronger I want to accomplish by not getting anything on my passcard I am special by everyone else being special

  15. I would like to do the bike riding it looks fun and I can rid a bike it was cool because I rid it down to 7-ellven and I would like to learn about more about bike so I can now all about it so I can be a good rider like you guys it would be so fun

  16. i would like to learn about how to ride safely because if you don't ride safely you would get badly hurt. Something special about me is that i love art and i care about my mom because she cooks for my family and i take care of her and sometimes i cook for her

  17. i wish i wasent scared of going down the hill because i want to be brave but i cant because i might flip over and break my leg arm or neck and back and i dont want that.

  18. i also want to be a millionaire so thats why i want to go to school

  19. I hope to learn more science as well

  20. I hope to learn science,math and art.I want to accomplish ME's and hard work.I am special because i listen. :]

  21. I hope to accomplish getting better in math and to get 100 present on all test and all assiments. I am special because I do sports I play soccer .I want to learn to do more social studes.

  22. I hope to learn how to ride safely on the bike because i always fail on my bike at home . The second thing I hope to learn is geometry because last year we got to play a game that was very fun I could not explain . the last thing i hope to learn in school is reading because I read the words weird. I want to accomplish math because math is my favorite thing to study. the second thing i want to accomplish is reading like i said early . I am special by being smart and caring about my ohana.

  23. I hope to be a docter and im good at scooer a docter is heard to be that way school is in imported so you can learn more things and get good at the thing were hard at first

  24. i wish i can be a styliest because i love doing peoples hair.

  25. I want to learn math,science,and social studies.
    I want to accomplish bike riding,math,and science.
    Something special about me is that I play basketball.

  26. 1) I want to learn division, history and science.

    2) I want to improve my handwriting and memorizing my 3, 6 and 7 times tables.

    3) I am special because I am good at baseball.

  27. Three things I hope to learn is science, experiments, and gardening. Two things I would like to improve at is learning maps and measurements .I am special because I am good at cooking.

  28. Two things I want to improve is getting better at reading and multiplication facts. The three things I want to learn is math, spelling, and reading. I am special because I'm smart.

  29. Mahalo Students of Room 28 `Ohana! I'm glad most of you remembered to post your comment on the blog before Thursday. It was interesting to read about all the NEW things you want to learn in 4th grade! I can tell some of you were looking at the older posts because you mentioned pictures in Bike Ed. Thank you for also sharing about why you are so special. I think EVERYONE is so special in their own way. I agree with Luke......we are all unique and there is no one else like YOU! We are all ONE of A KIND! Continue to do your best in school. Remember to come to school on time, do all your homework, ask questions, and have an amazing attitude every day! You'll be fine, as long as you put forth GREAT effort towards achieving your goals.
    Much Aloha,
    Mrs. Wong

  30. I want to learn about animals and science.I want to accomplish getting better at math and science.I'm funny and playful.

  31. I want to learn more about science social studies and math.i want to accomplish getting better at math,science.i am special because I listen

  32. I hope to learn science math and health i would won't to accomplish math and science I am special because I am a good student.

  33. I want to go to medical school to become a docter like my Mom I want to work at Kaiser hospital that is the docter I go to I really like them one time my Mom made one of my appointment she said it really awesome .

  34. my teacher name is wong and she is the best teacher and I will never leave ms wong because she is the best teacher I will ever had.

  35. First I want learn more about division,multiply and science.
    next I want to accomplish swimming and soccer.
    somethings thats special is that I play with my friends.

  36. first I want to learn math,science and division .Next I want to accomplish swimming and dance.finally I like to play with my sister.

  37. I want to accomplish math because it has multiplication and multiplication awesome and I want to learn about art and health and social studies because it make me smarter.I want to learn about swimming and diving and that's all I hope u have a great weekand!

  38. first i want to learn multiplication and division and art. next i want to accomplish diving and swimming. finally i like to sleep over my sisters house

  39. I would lime to learn social studies, math and art.
    Something special about me is that im flexible and tne way im special is for caring for my mom and family
