Friday, December 30, 2016

Welcome Room 28 'Ohana 2016-17 School year!

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana,
As we close out the first semester,  I would like to thank you all for being patient with me as I recovered from my illness at home.  I sure missed out on a LOT of school happenings and learning!  I sure hope you all had a great 2nd quarter with Mrs. Amoroso, Ms. Drury, Mrs. Rivera, and Mrs. Ninomoto too!  :)

As you all know, I wanted so much to begin "blogging" in the 2nd quarter, but life happens and we had to deal with it and work through it!  Now that the storm has passed, I feel it is time to begin anew! What a perfect time to start our blog up the NEW YEAR!

As soon as I get permission from your parents, (YES, I MUST have their consent), you will be able to comment on the blog.  I will not post any of your pictures or comments unless I have their permission.  Otherwise, you can comment on any Blog assignments via hand-written responses, or using the school's google account.

I look forward to having the classroom blog up and running again with all that has been happening! I also look forward to working with you again in January!  On your mark, get set, get ready....LEARN!

Much Aloha,
Mrs. Wong

Hoku visited me and stayed with me
while I was in the hospital.

Here's Hoku keeping track of my IV medicine
and checking to see what's for lunch? LOL

Hoku kept taking the remote-control and
changing it to the Dog Channel!  I think it was
Pet Hui on OC16? Typical Hoku! 
This poster really made my hospital stay
so much more easier!  This brightened up my days/nights!
Mahalo to all of my students!  I really appreciated your warm wishes
to get better and to recover!  Aloha...

I had a lot of well-wishers out there!
It sure made me feel EXTRA Specical
and so Loved! Thank YOU everyone! 

Monday, February 1, 2016

More Spirit Week Pictures!

Aloha Everyone!  Here are more pictures to enjoy...
Twin Day with Luke and Patrick!
Showing lots of School Spirit!
Wacky Wednesday sure lived up to its name!  It sure was
wild and wacky in room 28!  Look at those wacky
hair-dos, shades, makeup, and clothing too! 
Still being as Wacky as ever...
Future College Students...

What College will you be

Chaminade, UH, even NC was represented!

Brennen, Caleb, Kaitlynn, and Hailey dressed as
a TWIN with their sibling!  How cute...
Logan points out his TWIN that sits
upon his finger!  He's so creative! :-)
Richlynn and Kiara dress up
as Twins with a Smile!
Is that Seanna and Danaya? or Danaya
and Seanna?  I can't tell??? They look alike! 
Princess and her brother, Andrew
dress alike on TWIN day! 
Jadelyn and Shilee sure look like TWINS!
Yup! They're TWINS alright! :-)
Madisen and Amaijah planned to
dress alike on TWIN day Tuesday!

Spirit Week 2016

  Aloha Room 28 `Ohana!
     Did you all enjoy the Student Council's Spirit Week?  I sure did!  It was great to see so many people showing their Alvah Scott School Spirit by participating each day!  Here are some pictures during Spirit Week!  Thank you for having fun, finding humor, and taking responsible risks....especially on Wacky had to be able to laugh at yourself for coming to school with one red sock and one green sock, or coming to school with your clothes inside-out!   LOL!
     Which day was your favorite day during Spirit Week?  Explain Why?
                                                                   Mrs. Wong

Sports Day!  We can see soccer players, track & field athletes, a
canoe paddler, a cheerleader, flag-football players and more!
Here are the boys in their "Sports Day" wear!  They sure look
athletic!  We even had a real Cowboy who participates in rodeos!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Daruma Doll Goals

Happy New Year Room 28 `Ohana
I hope you all had a wonderful time over the break?  Now it's a NEW quarter, a NEW semester, and a NEW year!  We are going to use a traditional Japanese culture to set our goals for 2016!

Have you ever heard of a Daruma Doll?  This is what it looks like:
This is Daruma.  When you set a goal, you color in ONE of his eyes.
When you achieve your goal, you color in the other eye.  

As you can see, each color has a different meaning.  For example, the RED Daruma is for luck and good fortune.  It is also the most common of all the daruma dolls.  I will bring my doll to share with you tomorrow.  Today's blog assignment deals with having you share your goal or goals for the NEW YEAR!  

Take a moment to think about what you want to accomplish in the new year.  When you think of something, go ahead and submit it in the comment section.  Please think of a goal that is somewhat challenging for you.  It could be an academic goal, or something you would like to improve on in your life at home or at school.  

I look forward to reading about your goal or goals for 2016!  

Mrs. Wong