Sunday, February 26, 2017

Reading Buddies

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana,

       Since the first quarter, we have been engaged with our Reading buddies from first grade.
I know you've all been enjoying time with them!  They have too! (I've heard that comment from Mrs. Kosaki)  :)
        In your comment this week, please share 1 or 2 things you enjoy about Reading Buddies.  Next, please suggest an activity you'd like to see happen as a Reading Buddy activity.  Maybe your idea will get chosen before the end of the year is up?
       Thank YOU for being a GREAT help to your Reading Buddy!  I'm sure they will never forget you!
                                                                                  Mrs. Wong

Assigned on:  Monday, February 27, 2017
Due date:  Monday, March 6, 2017

Nikolas and his buddy doing a Christmas
Kyla helps her buddy read a book after making
their project!

Jahziah reading a book to his buddy!  He's helping
his buddy to sound out letters and comprehend the story.


  1. 2 things I like about my reading Buddy first is that he is very creative and very unique.Next he has humor he is funny and tells really funny joke.One think that I would like to happen is making a board game.

  2. 3 things i like about my reading buddy she is very nice,she is creative,she is very respectful and thats how shes very kind.

    1. I like your three things (she only needed two) but you forgot the one thing that you want to do reading buddy.

  3. The two things I like about is that he is always happy to see me and he is very energetic. Something I want to do with him is to write our own little story together.

  4. 1 thing I like about my reading buddy is that he is very creative and.One thing that I would like to happen is make a big board game.

  5. I like reading buddies because I like working with my partner. if I could choose an activity to do it would be make your own sports logo.

  6. A couple of things I like about my reading buddy hannah is she is very smart and she love to have her work neat. I hope we will do ordamnts.

  7. I enjoyed making the christmas project and reading the book.Next time I hope they do a happy 2017 project

    1. Kyla, can you be more specific as to what type of activity or project? An art project? A writing project? Making a poem? etc.... be more specific please?

  8. I enjoy my reading buddy because she after school she sees me and then says hi.Also I enjoy my reading buddy because she is nice.

    1. You forgot what you wanted to do with your reading buddy.

  9. 1 thing I enjoyed with my reading buddy was making the valentines truck with them.I would want to make a painting with my reading buddy because I like painting.

  10. 1 thing we enjoyed was the chisness dragon and the 2 thing was the truck we worked some hard on it I would want two do with my buddy see two make are own drawings

  11. Here are two things that I like about my reading buddy is that she agrees on a lot of things and tells me what she thinks. The second thing is that she is very creative!
    One thing that I would like todo is make a board game( I agree with Justice and Kaimi ). I think that will be a creative project!

  12. 2 things I like about my reading buddy is he works hard and he is creative.A board game (like Madilyn,Justice,and Kaimi)

  13. 1 thing i enjoyed was getting to work together on the valentines truck.So i think that we should play How well do you know your Reading Buddy.

  14. 2 things i like about my reading buddy is that he worked very well as a partner and he is very kind and works very hard.
    If i had to come up with a craft or game me and my reading buddy could play i would wanna make puppets or make your own books.

  15. 1 thing about my reading buddy he is nice to me and kind to me 2 thing is we should make a ground hog day poster and Thank You READING BUDDIES.

  16. Aloha Students,
    It seems like a lot of you were interested in creating a board game with your buddies! That's great! I like some of the other ideas as well! I like how some of you mentioned that you wanted to create a story or book with your buddy! That is a very "doable" project! Then we could make puppets to help us tell the story, or make paintings or drawings to illustrate your own book, created by you and your buddy! Thank you for sharing these ideas. I will definitely run it by Mrs. Kosaki and we can make it happen! The next time we get together will be on the week of March 6. After that activity, then we can begin planning out our "board" game. I think for this big project, Mrs. Kosaki and I will assign 2 sets of reading buddies to work on creating one board game. For example, 2 first graders and their reading buddies will get together to make the board game. Start thinking about a "THEME" you might want to have for your game!
    Mahalo for participating!
    Aloha :)

  17. the 1 me and my reading buddy is the valintines car.

  18. I enjoyed my reading buddy because we worked well together. Also because he is nice to me.

  19. I had fun with my reading buddy. What I like is to meet new people and do activities with them. The activity I'd like to see happen is a Halloween Themed project and make pumpkins out of straws.

  20. A activity I would want to do is something with Easter.

  21. one thing that i liked to do with my reading buddy was when we did the valentines day candy truck and another thing i liked was when we did a dragon story.A thing i would like to do is to make a lepricon for st.packtrics day but it will be a plant with a cup and they will glue on yarn for the beard

  22. Nikolas: What I liked about reading buddies is that I got to work with little kids and I got to color. I want to have a little party before the end of the school year.
