Thursday, December 1, 2011

Historical Timelines--Book Project #3.

Aloha Room 28 `Ohana!
     I am so proud of how far you've come with presenting your projects!  It was so wonderful to learn so much about so many different "historical" figures!  I always look forward to your QUALITY WORK! Tell me what you enjoyed the MOST about doing your timeline?  Also tell me what was the most DIFFICULT part about the timeline?  Thank you for your reflections.

Mrs. Wong

Book Project #2--Mystery Box Reflections

Aloha Room 28 Bloggers!
It's been a while sharing our "Thoughts" and "Opinions" on our blog...I'd love to hear from you!
Let's share our reflections on your past book project #2 (Mystery Box).
What did you like about doing this project? What problems did you have, if any? How did you solve them? Do you recommend your mystery book? Why or Why not?
Reflect on your learning...

Mrs. Wong

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dexter The Tough...up to Chapter 16.

Aloha Room 28 Bloggers!
     Isn't "Dexter The Tough" hard to put down?  I know some of you already read to the end, but let's respond to what happened after chapter 10, thru chapter 16.  Please COMMENT on ONE of the following prompts:

Reading Response:
> In the story, Dexter the Tough, I am similar to Dexter because...
> In the story, Dexter the Tough, I am similar to Robin because...
> So far I learned...     and my prediction for the rest of the story is...

Keep READING and Keep on BLOG-ing! (smile!)
Have a wonderful weekend! 
Mrs. Wong

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Reading about Dexter...

Aloha Room 28 Bloggers! 
It sure has been a while!  We took a short break to concentrate on our first quarter assessments and had to leave "Dexter" aside.  Now that we're back on track and reading more about Dexter, we sure are learning a LOT more!  We even met a new character...Robin!  Hmmmm...I wonder how Robin will influence Dexter?  I wonder if Robin and Dexter will begin a new friendship?  Your next assignment is to read chapters 9, 10 and 11 by Friday, Oct. 21.  But before you read, make a prediction.  If you've already read up to chapter 11, do a BLOG-response to the text.  You can do one of the following, or choose to respond in your own way! 
Response Ideas:
-Make a connection to Dexter or Robin
-What new information did you learn
-I wonder....
-This reminds me of...
-In these chapters, my favorite part was...

I'll be waiting for your response to Dexter, the Tough!  (or is he?)...
Mrs. Wong =)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Got Chapter 3 Predictions???

Aloha Room 28 "Bloggers!"
     Now that we've read up to chapter 2 (Dexter The Tough), let's make another prediction about what will happen in the next two chapters?  In the comments section below, please complete the following (2) phrases in your post.

"So far, I learned that ..."

"I Wonder..."

Mahalo and Aloha till the NEXT posting...
Mrs. Wong

Thursday, September 15, 2011

WANTED: Predictions...

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana!  Here is our first "Book Club Circle" story.  This is a realistic fiction story entitled, "Dexter The Tough," by Margaret Peterson Haddix.  Please take some time to post your "PREDICTION" in the comment section.  I can't wait to start reading about Mr. "Tough-guy" Dexter! Can You?   
Aloha, Mrs. Wong

Friday, September 9, 2011

Realistic Fiction Book Project #1 (Reflections)

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana!
It's been so wonderful to listen and learn about  all the "realistic-fiction" stories you've all been reading!  Mrs. Long and I appreciate the time you put in to completing your book project (puppet and written report).  Please take some time to reflect on your learning when typing in your comment.  Share your thoughts about the first book project.  Share a "STAR" (Something you enjoyed, learned, or just something positive, etc...) and also share a "WISH" (Something you could improve on, or something you didn't enjoy doing, etc...).  We would LOVE to hear your "voices!"  
Mrs. Wong and Mrs. Long

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Technical Difficulties

Greetings, Room 28 Blogger! 
Thanks so much for being so patient as we try to update our classroom and school lab computers to try and fix our "technical" difficulties.  This past Thursday, a few students tried to post their first comments, but were disappointed to learn that their comments could not be posted.  They did, however, enjoy reading the welcome message and was excited to get started! We later learned that it was just those "selected" few computers that didn't work.   Let's hope by next week, we will be able to get some comments posted on our `Ohana Blog! 
Have a wonderful weekend with your family and friends!  See you on Tuesday!  I can't wait to see your "puppets" and read about your character's problem and solution! 
Mrs. Wong

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Welcome Room 28 'Ohana-Bloggers!

If you are reading this message, you have successfully logged on to our Room 28 'Ohana Blog!  I am so excited to finally get this "Blog" project up and running!  I am awaiting on more "bloggers" to turn in their permission forms so that they can get in on the FUN as well!  As soon as I get all papers in, we can surely begin our journey! 

I have to credit Miss. Lilli and Mrs. Tamashiro (Alyssa and Aaron's teachers) for inspiring me to use MORE technology in the classroom!  If it wasn't for Miss. Lilli, I would not have this wonderful blog to share with you!  Miss. Lilli is now back on the U.S. Mainland, but I do hope she will return to teach in Hawai`i.  My daughter, Alyssa, was so fortunate to have her as her teacher!  Mahalo and Aloha, Miss. Lilli!

Since this is my first time having a school blog, I am going to be learning along with YOU!  I will try my best to make our "blog" experience to be an adventure in itself!  I can't wait to use it in ALL of our subject areas, so let's work together to make this a success!  Are you ready BLOGGERS???  On your mark.....get set....
LEARN!  Aloha for now...Mrs. Wong

Be on the lookout for the next posting.....coming your way soon! (Let's encourage our class 'Ohana to return their blog-permission forms).