Tuesday, November 24, 2015


ALOHA Room 28 `Ohana!
       It's been a while since I last posted a Blog....I am sorry about that!  Too many assessments and lots of work to do!  Thank you for your patience!
       It's that time of year once again, where we all should be thinking of others.  We often get so busy and caught up in our daily routines, that we often forget to say "THANK YOU" to those who do so many things for us.  Let's try to make it a habit of saying Thank you, Aloha, and Mahalo not just during this time of the year, but EVERYDAY!
       I am truly THANKFUL for all of you!  You make me SMILE each time I come to work!  You make me laugh out loud and allow me to just be myself (making mistakes and all!).  I am grateful for your hugs, your stories, your suggestions, and your SMILE!  Thank YOU all for making my year a memorable one so far!  Please enjoy Thanksgiving with your `Ohana!  I know I will!
                                                                         Much Aloha and Mahalo,
                                                                         Mrs. Wong :-)

Blog assignment:
      Please comment and tell me what you are thankful for.  Also, tell what you enjoy most about READING BUDDIES...        Mahalo!

Having FUN with Reading Buddies...

Grade 1--Mrs. Kosaki's class...Landon and his Reading buddies--
Kiara and Leah, help him complete his Halloween treat bag.

Noah and Cavan help their Reading Buddies glue on their
Halloween images to make their bag unique! 

Here is Brennen and Caleb with their Buddy...enjoying time
to get to know each other better while having fun learning and working! 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Clear or Clean Pass-cards for the MONTH OF AUGUST!

This is a LIST of students who kept their pass cards CLEAN or CLEARED OFF for the month of August.  Please keep up the GREAT work and continue to be proud of yourselves! For those of you who did not make the list, don't give up!  Keep persevering and keep on trying!  I know you CAN do it!
                                                                             Mrs. Wong

John Kenneth, Leah, Aysha, Koakai, Kayleigh, Rylan, Seanna, Brennen, Luke, Ky, Emma, Cavan, Kaitlynn, Caleb, Patrick, and Harley.

Cleared or Clean Pass-Cards!

Congratulations to these students who earned a Clean or Cleared off Pass-Card!
Keep up the GREAT work and behavior!  This was for the week ending Aug. 28, 2015.

Congratulations to
(Kneeling/seated:  Aillen, Aysha, Caleb, Luke,  and Rylan)
(Standing:  Ky, Kayleigh, Seanna, Harley, and Patrick)

Monday, August 24, 2015

CLEAN or CLEARED Passcards!

Aloha Room 28 `Ohana!
      Each week, I will post a picture or post a LIST of students who have earned a Clean or Cleared Passcard recognition!  Here is our FIRST recognition of students in room 28!  I hope to see more students join this bunch at the end of the week!  C'mon.....YOU can do it!  I know you can!  Just do your homework, turn in your assignments, behave, and Clear off your pass card!  
                                                               Aloha, Mrs. Wong
Congratulations to Leah, Brennen, Luke, Aysha, Caleb, Harley, Jadelyn,
Seanna Lei, Kayleigh, Ky, John, Rylan, and Patrick!
Keep up the Excellent Work and Behavior!  

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Student Council Representatives

Aloha Room 28 `Ohana,
      Mahalo to all the boys and girls who took a "responsible risk" of wanting to become our class representatives.  Mahalo to Hailey, Erin, John, Joseph, Koakai, and Caleb.  All of you did an excellent job of creating your speech to tell the class how you would be a great representative for our class.  Unfortunately, we could only choose 2 reps.  Everyone did a fantastic job of exercising their democratic right to vote!  The results were: Caleb with the highest votes, followed by Koakai and Hailey.
      Caleb and Koakai will represent room 28 this school year, in our student council.  In the comments, what do want to see happen this school year?  You can list down activities for students to participate in, you can list down concerns that you see happening around campus that you want the student council to address.   Due date:  Monday, August 24, 2015.  (One week)

      Your comments could help Caleb and Koakai to brainstorm ideas and to address concerns that students may have.  **If you don't want your concerns to be seen by anyone, simply write down your comment on a folder paper and hand it in to me for credit.  I will then give it to Caleb and Koakai.  

                                                                       Mrs. Wong
Room 28's  Student Council Representatives.....Caleb and Koakai.
Congratulations!  Here's to a successful year! 

Kalo and Sweet Potato Planting

Aloha Room 28 `Ohana!
      Thanks to Mr. Sanchez (Mrs. Cornwell's father), who kindly donated our white-kalo and sweet potato (Purpli, Moloka`i, and Okinawan) stems, we were able to plant them into our garden.  Interestingly enough, this was the very first time for some students to be digging in the soil and planting something!  We lined up in our 4th grade plot and we planted either kalo or sweet potato.  There were marked areas where each student dug their hole for their sweet potato stem or huli (kalo's stem).  Mahalo to Mrs. Cornwell for coming out to help us that afternoon, and Mahalo to Mrs. Evans who came to help on Thursday, with room 27.
      All in all, the planting was a success.....no insect bites, no cuts, no scrapes, no planting woes!  Justs a feeling of satisfaction after looking at the freshly planted garden!  Here are some pictures of that day.
Before entering the garden to work, we need to
say our oli (chant) "E Ho Mai."
Dig at least 4 inches deep, plant the stem or
huli, and cover with soil

Planting the huli (stem) of the white kalo.
How exciting it will be to watch our kalo
grow tall and thrive!  

Here is the Sweet-potato planters!  There are
3 different kinds of potatoes.
Do you know which type you have?  Is it the
Moloka`i, Purpli, or Okinawan sweet potato? 

Our neatly planted white-kalo.
Our freshly planted sweet potatoes. 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Welcome to 4th Grade!

Aloha Students,
Welcome to a new school year! We are going to learn so many things and we are going to surf into an exciting school year!
      Please tell me three things you HOPE to learn in 4th grade, also what 2 things do you want to accomplish, and  finally, tell me something special about YOU!
                                                                      Mrs. Wong

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Holoholo with Hoku.....She made it to Australia!

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana!
        Great NEWS!  Remember back in March and April, we sent the crew members of Hokule`a and Hikianalia some letters and pictures of Hoku?  Well......they finally responded!  I got an email from a crew member of the Hokule`a!  Her name is Hye Jung Kim.  Hye Jung took 2 pictures with Hoku's picture.  She also said she will continue to take more pics. and keep in touch with me all summer long!  I hope you will keep following the Voyage and keep looking at this blog to see more news on Hoku's next adventure!  Have a wonderful Summer!  Much Aloha, Mrs. Wong

This is Hye Jung Kim with Hoku.  She is in Minjemba islands in
Australia.  She and Hoku said Aloha to the Quandamooka people
and are now heading to Townsville.

This is Hoku with Kawika and Haunani, crew members of
the Hokule`a.  They are posing in front of
Cleveland District StateHigh School, in Australia.

2015 Awards Assembly

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana!
       What a year it was!  Can't believe how quickly this year flew by!  This year, thanks to Mrs. Cheri Higashihara, we were able to recognize students and their many achievements!  Here are some students (total of 11 students were recognized from Room 28!)  who were "surprised" as their names were called, and they were called up to the stage!  Mahalo for working so hard this year!  I wish I could give EACH and EVERY one of my students an award for doing their best work and for always persevering and never giving up!  Hope you ALL have a great summer break......you all deserve it!
                                                                                       Aloha, Mrs. Wong

Math Olympiad Member
Math Olympiad's
top 40% in the
Nation Award
(Rian B.)
Achieve 3000 Award
(Joshua N.)
Math Olympiad Member
Math Olympiad's
4op 40% in the Nation Award
(Tina V. )
Math olympiad  Member
(Samantha M.)
Math Olympiad Member
Math Olympiad Member
(James S. )


Perfect Attendance Award
Star Student Award
(Tehani Anne Y.)
Achieve 3000 Award
(Bryant L.)

Perfect Attendance Award
Achieve3000 Award
Citizenship Award
(Mason E.)
Perfect Attendance Award
Citizenship Award
(Hugo G.)
Star Student Award
(Alyssa M.)

Perfect Attendance Award
(Kobe R.)

Friday, May 1, 2015

Where The Mountain Meets The Moon

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana!
          Next week Monday, May 4, will be our final field trip to Tenney Theatre.  It is a fantasy story that takes place in China.  It takes place in the Valley of Fruitless Mountain.  The story covers several themes, such as Fortune, Friendship, Loyalty, Destiny, Thankfulness and Happiness.

          Minli, the main character, will be taking a journey.  Minli, places a number of items in her blanket to bring on her journey.  She packs the following:
                             a needle, a pair of chopsticks, her white rabbit rice bowl, dried bamboo,
                             a hollow gourd full of water, a small knife, a fishnet, some uncooked rice,
                             a large pot
                             a small piece of bamboo
                             and one copper coin.

Make a PREDICTION as to how Minli might use each item.  Keep your comments brief.
Out of the eleven items, choose 5 to predict how Minli might use them.
                                                        Mrs. Wong


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Fun Run 2015!

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana,

            What a way to END the quarter and BEGIN Spring Break!  Yes, it was the annual PTA sponsored Fun Run!  It was great to see everyone having fun, while getting a "workout" in!  Students, parents, and teachers were able to check off exercise on their "To Do" list last Friday!  By the time 11:45 came along, everyone was literally ready for LUNCH and ready for a NAP!  No, just kidding....we were all POWERED UP for Spring Break!  Yay!  Thanks to PTA President, Mrs. Wilson, her hard-working PTA crew, all the Parent / Community VOLUNTEERS, Mrs. Wilson's family who is visiting from Missouri, and staff members of Scott School, the FUN RUN was a success once more!  Here are some pictures I got to take as I tried to join in on some of the fun myself!  Mahalo to Room 28's parent volunteers and students for making Friday a GREAT Day!
                                                                            Mahalo Nui Loa,
                                                                              Mrs. Wong

Mahalo to Parents who came out to support
their child(ten) and the Fun Run! Thank you,
Mr. Nocon, and Mrs. Shiau (not pictured)
for showing your support!  
Mahalo Parent Volunteers!  Thank you,
Mrs. Deal, Mr. Gantan, and Mrs. Lacanilao
for taking care of filling up those water cups!
Also for helping to set up, take down, and support
the students, teachers, and PTA!
Bryant's sister helped out too! Thank U! 

Doing running laps around the upper-field
was a whole day's worth of cardio! 
Victoria can show us all how to SHAKE our hips,
while Denzel gives her some competition!  Way
to ROCK it on them HOOPS! 

Mason and Ju-Won show off their jumping
skills! Awesome moves!
The relay races were awesome!  There were
relays that were very challenging!  Even getting
down to do a "bear" crawl!  Yikes!!!
Bryant getting some sister-support!
Way to go! 
Maurice and Ms. Jennifer Kickin' up
their heels at the dancing station!

Kobe, Hugo, Parker, & Jaspher showing us
their dance moves...the Nay-nay! We did
the Running Man, the Drop, and even
the Whip!  Gotta keep up with these dance moves!

Grace, Joanna, James, and Chanell showed
us all a move or two!  Dancing to
T. Swift's "Shake It Off!"  

Ahhhh.......at the end, the students got to
COOL down with some yummy Ice Pops
and Rice Krispie Treats! Mahlao PTA!
The Shiau brothers take a break after a very
successful Fun Run! 

Holoholo with Hoku Continues...

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana,

          Mahalo Nui Loa for taking the time to continue Hoku's Adventures around the island!  We are up to Adventure #46 with Hoku!  She has been very busy getting to visit with you and your 'Ohana!  Hoku especially likes going "holoholo" around the island with you!  This Spring break, I took Hoku home with me so that I could wash her and her bag, and take her "holoholo" with me as well!  We  will share our adventures with you all when we get back to school on the 23rd of March!  Till then, enjoy your break...have fun outdoors, read daily, and enjoy your family and friends!
                                                                Mrs. Wong (and Hoku) ;-)
Adventure #45!  After Tehani and her family picked up her dad's
Volkswagon Van, they decided to stop for dinner at "Fresh Catch."
Hoku enjoyed her time with Tehani and her 'Ohana!

Waiting patiently for dinner at "Fresh Catch," restaurant out in
Waialae, 'Oahu.  Tehani, Hoku, and Tehani's 'Ohana enjoyed
eating salmon, rice, spicy ahi, and pastele......YUMMY!!!!

We are trying to see if Hoku (held by Denzel, standing up center) will
be able to get onto Hokule`a or Hikianalia.  We are sending this picture
along with some letters written by the students. Good luck Hoku!
(Mrs. Wong is still waiting on the Crew's response)

On a recent Adventure with Hoku...to Diamond Head Crater
 and to Waiola Shave Ice (just down the road) for a
yummy, refreshing treat after the long HOT hike!  

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Bike Ed with Hawaii Bicycling League (HBL) & The City and County of Honolulu!

Aloha Room 28 'Ohana,

          It sure was a SAFETY themed month of February! First it was the STOP if you Love me driving safe campaign, then it was the yearly Bike Education safety week for our 4th graders!  First we had Mr. Mike and Mr. Jerry come into the classrooms to teach us about bicycle safety gear and the 6 point safety check!  Days 2, 3, 4, and 5 were all spent outdoors on the basketball court, playground, parking lot, and nearby Aiea neighborhood.  We had some beginner riders on the first day, but by day 5, they were ALL riding!  Congratulations to everyone for making Bike Ed. a HUGE success!
          Students, please click on the comment icon below to add your response to these 2 questions.
1.  What did you LEARN while participating in Bike Education? (explain with details/examples)
2.  What was your FAVORITE part of Bike Ed., and WHY?
                Have a fun and safe Spring Break!  Don't forget to wear a HELMET when you ride
                     your bike!  Enjoy the beautiful weather!  Aloha, Mrs. Wong

Mr. Mike, from HBL, explaining the 6 point-safety checks
before riding a bike!
Looks like Brooke is all set to ride SAFELY!  Helmet,  proper shoes,
bright or light colored clothing, shorts, and a smile!  

Adriana helps Mr. Jerry to write down the 6 point
safety checks we should remember to perform
when we ride our bikes in the next few days of Bike Ed.!
Even Hoku (being held by Ju-Won), had a chance to learn
about bicycle safety!

Students performing the 6-point safety checks on their bikes!
Good listening! Great job!

Ju-Won is ready to roll...

Attentive Listening taking place during Mr. Mike's lesson on
doing a check-point and looking over your right shoulder!