Wednesday, April 8, 2020

BLOG Question for Distance Learning April 8, 2020

April 8, 2020

Blog Question: 
"What has this Pandemic (Covid-19/Coronavirus) taught you?" (Lessons learned)

In a few sentences, or a paragraph, please "comment" below, on the Blog Question. 
Please ⭐remember to use your FIRST name only.
Don't forget to publish your comment.😊

Mrs. Wong 


  1. I have learned that it is good to stay inside and to be safe. Sometimes we need to stay away from people to be healthy and strong.

    I also learned that I really like doing art. I have been doing watercolors with my family. My painting that I have done so far was a picture of a great white shark.

    1. Hi Jon, I agree. When we are sick, we need to quarantine and stay away from those who are healthy so we don't spread the germs we have. It looks like a lot of people are discovering their hidden talents during this time of social distancing. Sometimes we need to slow down in life, to learn something NEW about ourselves and each other!

  2. I learned that I must always wash my hand and don't touch my face. I need to keep health by exercising, taking vitamins and eating fruit.I can cover my mouth when I cough or wear a mask when I am sick.

    1. Thank you for your reflection Zach! That's great! You're learning to improve on your overall hygiene while staying fit and healthy! Good Job, Zach!

  3. I learned that I need to stay at my house so I don't get sick. I also learn that I need to wear mask all the time to be safe. I also learn how to make home made mask.

    1. Myah,
      That's awesome! Can you send us a picture of the masks you made at home? What materials did you use? Is it a mask that you had to sew, or one that required no sewing? Great lessons learned!

  4. I leared that washing your hands for 20 sec and wearing a mask when you go outside keeps you from getting sick

  5. Aloha "Anonymous" Commentator!
    Thank you for responding to the Blog, but you need to please comment as
    (FIRST name). Thanks so much!

    1. Hi mrs.Wong that was me Ayden. I was surprising my mom to show her I did my blog by myself when she come home from work.

    2. Thank you, Ayden!
      I'm glad that you are doing your work independently! Great job of learning about good hygiene and safety!

  6. Joshua
    I learned to always bring hand sanitizer with me and to cover my face with a mask.

    1. Thanks Josh!
      Yes, having hand sanitizer available helps. That's the next best thing to use if soap and water is not available. I think we will be using masks for a very long time! We have to learn from countries like Japan, Korea, the Philippines, and China, who have been wearing masks for many years, when they are sick, so that they don't spread their germs to others.

  7. I learned to always wash my hands very good! Also to sanitize hand when I don't have time to wash my hands and to cover my mouth with the elbow when sneeze. In this pandemic, always follow what the Governor and Mayor, also President says like staying home and if you need go out, always wear a mask!! And most of all, be careful!!!!! Eat lots of healthy foods never junk! I even made a homemade mask!!

    1. Thank you, Ava. Yes, we have to support our government leaders and do our best to keep safe. Like you, a lot of people are being creative and making/sewing their own masks!
