Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Hawai`i Nature Center Memories...March 10, 2020

πŸ’šHere are MORE memorable moments I thought you all might enjoy... 
I'm so grateful that we could all go before spring break!  
I hope that you will RETURN to HNC, one day, with your `Ohana!  
Take care! 

Mahalo, Mr. Afi, for being our parent-chaperone! πŸ‘
Audrina with a catch! Hanapa`a!🎣
Scoop net fishing is so much Fun!
Caleb and Kona sit patiently
for some fish or shrimp! 🐟🦐

Jaiven flashes a "SHAKA" as
he gets another fish in his net! 😎
Diamond being so patient at the foot of the stream...
That's a sign of a good fisherman/fisherwoman!

Ava catching another shrimp, or two! 

Great Catch, Izaiah! Was it a fish?😁

We can't wait to go "Decomposer" Hunting!  Let's GO!πŸ”πŸ‘€ 

"I found a worm!" 
"Worms are so helpful.....they give nutrients to the soil!"

"Hunting in nature sure is fun!"
Destiny is a great worm hunter!

"Munch, Munch, hear them crunch....slugs and bugs
and ants!  Decomposers all around,
making food for plants!"

Look what we found!! 
Zoey and Shanell quickly use their jars
to capture their finds! 😊

Peyton and Diamond capture their organisms in nature! 

"Look, Mrs. Wong!.....we made it to the end of the
hiking trail......and we're still 95% CLEAN!" πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚

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